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A Manuscripts at Amherst College will be indicated by this initial and the library catalog number.

AB Bingham, Millicent Todd. Ancestors' Brocades: The Literary Debut of Emily Dickinson. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1945.

"Annals" In Box 9 of the Dickinson Family Papers, bMS Am 1118.95.

CP Bianchi, Martha Dickinson and Alfred Leete Hampson. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Boston: Little, Brown, 1924.

Editing Franklin, R.W. The Editing of Emily Dickinson: A Reconsideration. Madison, Milwaukee, & London: U of Wisconsin P, 1967.

Encoding Hart, Ellen Louise. "The Encoding of Homoerotic Desire: Emily Dickinson's Letters and Poems to Susan Dickinson,1850-1886." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 9, no. 2 (Fall 1990): 251-272.

F Franklin, R. W., Ed. The Manuscript Books of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard UP, 1980. References to this edition will use this initial and cite fascicle number only.

"Fascicles" Franklin, R. W. "The Emily Dickinson Fascicles," Studies in Bibliography 36 (1983): 1-20.

FF Bianchi, Martha Dickinson. Emily Dickinson Face to Face: Unpublished Letters with Notes and Reminiscences. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1932.

H H xxx corresponds to MS Am 1118.3 (xxx)
H Bxx corresponds to MS Am 1118.5 (xx)

Home Bingham, Millicent Todd. Emily Dickinson's Home: Letters of Edward Dickinson and His Family. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1955.

L Johnson, Thomas H. and Theodora Ward, Eds. The Letters of Emily Dickinson Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard U P, 1958. References to this edition will use this initial and give the number assigned by Johnson.

LC Manuscripts at the Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.

LF Wylder, Edith. The Last Face: Emily Dickinson's Manuscripts. Albuquerque: U of New Mexico P, 1971.

LL Bianchi, Martha Dickinson. The Life and Letters of Emily Dickinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1924.

Life Sewall, Richard. The Life of Emily Dickinson. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1974.

ML Franklin, R. W., Ed. The Master Letters of Emily Dickinson Amherst: Amherst College P, 1986.

Morgan Manuscripts at the Morgan Library, New York.

OMC Hart, Ellen Louise and Martha Nell Smith, eds. Open Me Carefully: Emily Dickinson's Intimate Letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson. Ashfield, MA: Paris Press, 1998.

P Johnson, Thomas H., Ed. The Poems of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard U P, 1955. References to this edition will use this initial and give the number assigned by Johnson.

PF This refers to the Prose Fragments printed in Volume III, Letters (911-929). Citations will use these initials and give Johnson's number.

Princeton Manuscripts at Princeton University.

Revelation Bingham, Millicent Todd. Emily Dickinson: A Revelation. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1954.

Set Term used to refer to the "unbound fascicle sheets" (Vol. 2 of Manuscript Books) to "distinguish them from the poet's completed books."

SH Bianchi, Martha Dickinson, ed. The Single Hound. Boston: Little, Brown, 1914.

Smith Manuscripts at Smith College.

YH Leyda, Jay. The Years and Hours of Emily Dickinson. New Haven and London: Yale U P, 1960.

Yale Manuscripts at Yale University.




Agrawal, Abha. Emily Dickinson, Search for Self. New Delhi: Young Asia Publications, 1977.

Alfrey, Shawn. The Sublime of Intense Sociability: Emily Dickinson, H.D., and Gertrude Stein. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press, 2000.

Anderson, Charles. Emily Dickinson's Poetry: Stairway of Surprise. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1960.

Arnold, Bill. Emily Dickinson's Secret Love: Mystery 'Master' behind Poems. Lake Worth, FL: PPB, 1998.

Bacigalupo, Massimo, and Natalia Ginzburg. Poesie. Milan, Italy: Mondadori, 2004.

---. Poesie Milan: Arnoldo Mondadori, 1995.

Barker, Wendy. Lunacy of Light: Emily Dickinson and the Experience of Metaphor. Carbondale: Southern llinois Univ. Press, 1987.

Barolini, Helen. Their Other Side: Six American Women and the Lure of Italy. New York, NY: Fordham UP, 2006.

Benfey, Christopher E. G.  Emily Dickinson: Lives of a Poet. New York: Braziller, 1986.

---. Emily Dickinson and the Problem of Others Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 1984.

Bennett, Paula. Emily Dickinson: Woman Poet Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 1990.

---. My Life, a Loaded Gun: Female Creativity and Feminist Poetics. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986.

Bianchi, Martha Dickinson. Emily Dickinson Face to Face: Unpublished Letters with Notes and Reminiscences. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1932.

---, and Alfred Leete Hampson, eds. Further Poems of Emily Dickinson. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1929

---. The Life and Letters of Emily Dickinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1924.

---, and Alfred Leete Hampson, eds. The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson. Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1924.

---. The Single Hound. Doston: S.J. Parkhill, 1914.

Bickman, Martin. The Unsounded Centre: Jungian Studies in American Romanticism Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1980.   

Bingham, Millicent Todd. Ancestors' Brocades: The Literary Debut of Emily Dickinson. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1955.

---. Emily Dickinson: A Revelation. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1954.

---, ed. Emily Dickinson's Home: Letters of Edward Dickinson and His Family. New York: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1955.

Blake, Caesar R. and Carlton F. Wells, eds. The Recognition of Emily Dickinson: Selected Criticism Since 1890. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1964.

Bloom, Harold. Ed. Emily Dickinson: Modern Critical Views. New York: Chelsea House, 1985.

Bosquet, Alain. Emily Dickinson. Paris, France: Editions Pierre Seghers, 1957.   

Boswell, Jeanetta. Emily Dickinson: A Bibliography of Secondary Sources, With Selective Annotations, 1890 Through 1987. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1989.

Brantley, Richard. Experience and Faith: The Late-Romantic Imagination of Emily Dickinson. New York: Palgrave, 2004.

Brinnin, John Malcolm. Emily Dickinson. New York, NY: Dell, 1960.   

Brose, Nancy Harris, Juliana McGovern Dupre, Wendy Tocher Kohler, and Jean McClure Mudge. Emily Dickinson: Profile of the Poet as Cook. Amherst, MA: Hamilton Newall, 1976.

Brown, Amy Benson. Rewriting the Word: American Women Writers and the Bible Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1999.

Browner, Stephanie. Love and Conquest: The Erotics of Colonial Discourse in Emily Dickinson's Poems and Letters. (22 Feb. 2001).

Buckingham, Willis J. Emily Dickinson's Reception in the 1890's: A Documentary History. Pittsburgh and London: Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1989.

---. Emily Dickinson, an Annotated Bibliography: Writings, Scholarship, Criticism, and Ana, 1850-1968. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1970.

Budick, E. Miller. Emily Dickinson and the Life of Language: a Study in Symbolic Poetics. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1985.

Burr, Zofia A. Of Women, Poetry, and Power: Strategies of Address in Dickinson, Miles, Brooks, Lorde, and Angelou. Chicago: Univ. of Illinois Press, 2002.

Cady, Edwin H., and Louis J. Budd. On Dickinson: The Best from American Literature Durham: Duke UP, 1990.

Cameron, Sharon. Lyric Time: Dickinson and the Limits of Genre. Baltimore and London: John Hopkins Univ. Press, 1979.

---. Choosing Not Choosing: Dickinson's Fascicles. Chicago & London: U of Chicago P, 1992.

Capps, Jack L. Emily Dickinson's Reading, 1836-1886. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1966.

Carton, Evan. The Rhetoric of American Romance: Dialectic and Identity in Emerson, Dickinson, Poe, and Hawthorne. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1985.

Chase, Richard. Emily Dickinson. American Men of Letters Series. New York: William Sloan, 1951.

Clendenning, Sheila T. Emily Dickinson, a Bibliography, 1850-1967. Kent, OH: Kent State Univ. Press, 1968.

Cody, John. After Great Pain: The Inner Life of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, Belknap Press, 1971.

Coghill, Sheila (ed. and introd.), Thom Tammaro, and Robert Bly. Visiting Emily. Iowa City, IA: Univ. of Iowa Press, 2000.

Conrad, Angela. The Wayward Nun of Amherst: Emily Dickinson and Medieval Mystical Women. New York: Garland, 2000.

Cooley, Carolyn Lindley. The Music of Emily Dickinson's Poems and Letters: A Study of Imagery and Form. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2003.

Crumbley, Paul. Inflections of the Pen: Dash and Voice in Emily Dickinson. Lexington, KY: Univ. Press of Kentucky, 1997.

Dandurand, Karen. Dickinson Scholarship: An Annotated Bibliography, 1969-1985. New York: Garland Publishing, 1988.

Danly, Susan, ed. Language as Object: Emily Dickinson and Contemporary Art. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1997.

David, Thomas A., ed. 14 by Emily Dickinson with Selected Criticism. Chicago: Scott, Foresman, 1964.

Delli-Carpini, John and Robert F. Morneau. Poetry as Prayer: Emily Dickinson. Pauline Books & Media, 2002.

Dickenson, Donna. Emily Dickinson. Leamington Spa: Berg, 1985.

Dickie, Margaret. Lyric Contingencies: Emily Dickinson and Wallace Stevens. Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennslyvania Press, 1991.

Diehl, Joanne Feit. Dickinson and the Romantic Imagination. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1981.

Dobson, Joanne. Dickinson and the Strategies of Reticence : The Woman Writer in Nineteenth-Century America. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana Univ. Press, 1989.

Donoghue, Denis. Emily Dickinson. Minneapolis: U. of Minn. P., 1969.   

Doriani, Beth Maclay. Emily Dickinson, Daughter of Prophecy. Amherst, MA: Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 1996.

Duchac, Joseph. The Poems of Emily Dickinson: An Annotated Guide to Commentary Published in English, 1978-1989. New York, NY: G.K. Hall, 1993.

---. The Poems of Emily Dickinson: An Annotated Guide to Commentary Published in English, 1890-1977. Boston: Hall, 1979.

Duncan, Douglas. Emily Dickinson.  Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1965.  

Eberwein, Jane Donahue, ed. An Emily Dickinson Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.

---. Dickinson: Strategies of Limitation. Amherst: Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 1985.

Emily Dickinson, 1830-1886: A Bibliography.  Amherst, MA, .   

England, Martha Winburn and John Sparrow. Hymns Unbidden: Donne, Herbert, Blake, Emily Dickinson and the Hymnographers. New York Public Library, 1966.

Erkkila, Betsy. The Wicked Sisters: Women Poets, Literary History, and Discord. New York: Oxford UP, 1992.

Farr, Judith, and Louise Carter. The Gardens of Emily Dickinson.  Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2004.

---. I Never Came to You in White. Boston & New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1996.

---. Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical Essays. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1996.

---. The Passion of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Univ. Press, 1992.

Fast, Robin Riley, and Christine Mack Gordon, eds. Approaches to Teaching Dickinson's Poetry. New York: MLA, 1989.

Ferlazzo, Paul J. Critical Essays on Emily Dickinson Boston: Hall, 1984.

---. Emily Dickinson. Boston: Twayne, 1976.

Finnerty, Páraic. Emily Dickinson's Shakespeare. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts P, 2006.

Folsom, Ed and Kenneth M. Price. Dickinson, Slavery, and the San Domingo Moment.

Ford, Thomas W. Heaven Beguiles the Tired: Death in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1966.

Franklin, R. W. The Poems of Emily Dickinson Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1999.

---, ed. and introd. The Master Letters of Emily Dickinson. Amherst, MA: Amherst College, 1998.

---, ed. The Poems of Emily Dickinson I-III: Variorum Edition. Cambridge, MA, and London: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1998. Poems in this edition will be cited by "FP" and the number assigned by Franklin.

---, ed. The Manuscript Books of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge & London: The Belknap P of Harvard UP, 1981. References to this edition will use "F" or "Set" and the fascicles or set number assigned by Franklin.

---. The Editing of Emily Dickinson: A Reconsideration. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1967.

Fraser, Robert S., comp., and Richard M. Ludwig, introd. The Margaret Jane Pershing Collection of Emily Dickinson.  Princeton: Princeton Univ. Lib., 1969.   

Frohock, Wilbur M. Strangers to This Ground: Cultural Diversity in Contemporary American Writing.  Dallas, TX: South Methodish UP, 1961.   

Fuller, Jamie (ed.) and Marlene McLouglin. The Diary of Emily Dickinson. San Francisco: Mercury House, 1993.

Further Poems of Emily Dickinson. Boston, MA, .   

Furukawa, Takao. Emily Dickinson no giho. Tokyo: Kirihara, 1980.   

Fuss, Diana. The Sense of an Interior: Four Writers and the Rooms That Shaped Them. New York, NY: Routledge, 2004.

Galinsky, Hans. Wegbereiter moderner amerikanischer Lyrik: Interpretations- und Rezeptionsstudien zu Emily Dickinson und William Carlos Williams. Heidelberg: Winter, 1968.   

Galvin, Mary E. Queer Poetics: Five Modernist Women Writers. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999.

Garbowsky, Maryanne. The House Without the Door: A Study of Emily Dickinson and the Illness of Agoraphobia. Rutherford, NJ: Associated University Presses, 1989.

Gardner, Thomas. A Door Ajar: Contemporary Writers and Emily Dickinson.  New York, NY: Oxford UP, 2006.

Gelpi, Albert. The Tenth Muse: The Psyche of the American Poet. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1975.       

---. Emily Dickinson: The Mind of the Poet. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1965.

Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination.  New Haven: Yale UP, 1979.   

Grabher, Gudrun, Roland Hagenbuchle, Cristanne Miller, eds. The Emily Dickinson Handbook. Amherst: University of Massachusettes Press, 1998.

Greenberg, Robert M. Splintered Worlds: Fragmentation and the Ideal of Diversity in the Work of Emerson, Melville, Whitman, and Dickinson. Boston: Northeastern Univ. Press, 1993.

Griffith, Clark. The Long Shadow: Emily Dickinson's Tragic Poetry. Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1964.

Guides at the DickinsonHomestead. Profile of Emily Dickinson as a Cook. Amherst, Mass.: Hamilton I. Newell, 1976.

Guthrie, James R. Emily Dickinson's Vision: Illness and Identity in Her Poetry.  Gainesville, FL: UP of Florida, 1998.

Habegger, Alfred . "My wars are laid away in books": The Life of Emily Dickinson. New York: Modern Library Paperback edition, 2002.

Hagenbüchle, Roland. Emily Dickinson: Wagnis der Selbstbegegnung. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1988.

Halpin, K.D. and Kate Nugent. EMILY unplugged. Northampton, MA: Sleeveless Theatre, Inc., 1995-.

Hampson, Alfred Leete. Emily Dickinson: A Bibliography.  Northampton, MA,.   

Harris, Julie. Emily Dickinson-A Self- Portrait. New York: Caedmon Records, 1968.

Hart, Ellen Louise, and Martha Nell Smith. Open Me Carefully: Emily Dickinson's Intimate Letters to Susan Huntington Dickinson.  Ashfield, MA: Paris Press, 1998.

Heginbotham, Eleanor Elson. Reading the Fascicles of Emily Dickinson: Dwelling in Possibility. Columbus: Ohio State UP, 2003.

Heiskanen-Makela, Sirkk. In Quest of Truth: Observations on the Development of Emily Dickinson's Poetic Dialect. Jyvaskyla, 1970.

Higgins, David. Portrait of Emily Dickinson: The Poet and Her Prose. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Univ. Press, 1967.

Himelhoch, Myra; Patterson, Rebecca; Elliott, Gary D. Emily Dickinson Bull. 1972.

Homans, Margaret. Women Writers and Poetic Identity: Dorothy Wordsworth, Emily Bronte, and Emily Dickinson. Princeton University Press, 1980.

Howe, Susan. My Emily Dickinson. Berkeley: North Atlantic Books, 1985.

---. The Birth-mark: Unsettling the Wilderness in American Literary History. Hanover, NH: Wesleyan UP, 1993.

Hughes, Ted, ed. A Choice of Emily Dickinson's Verse. 1968.

Iwata, Noriko. Emily Dickinson: Ai to Shi no Junkyosha.  Osaka: Sogensha, 1982.    

Jackson, Virginia. Dickinson’s Misery. Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2005.

Jacobsen, Josephine. Interviewed by Betty Parry. Truthtellers of the Times: Interviews with Contemporary Women Poets. Edited by Janet Palmer Mullaney. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1998.

Jenkins, MacGregor. Emily Dickinson, Friend, and Neighbor. Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, 1930.

Johnson, Greg. Emily Dickinson: Perception and the Poet's Quest. University, AL: University of Alabama Press, 1985.

Johnson, Tamara, ed. Readings on Emily Dickinson. Greenhaven Literary Companion to American Authors. Sand Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1997.

Johnson, Thomas H. Final Harvest: Emily Dickinson’s Poems. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1961.

---, and Theodora Ward ed. The Letters of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge & London: The Belknap P of Harvard UP, 1958. References to letters in this edition will use "L" and the number assigned by Johnson.

---. Emily Dickinson: An Interpretive Biography. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, Belknap Press, 1955.

---, ed. The Poems of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge & London: The Belknap P of Harvard UP, 1955. References to poems in this edition will use "P" and the number assigned by Johnson.

---. The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Including Variant Readings Critically Compared with All Known Manuscripts. Cambridge, MA, .   

Juhasz, Suzanne, Cristanne Miller, and Martha Nell Smith. Comic Power in Emily Dickinson. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press, 1993.

---, and Christanne Miller, eds. Emily Dickinson: A Celebration for Readers: Proceedings of the Conference Held on September 19-21, 1986 at the Claremont Colleges. New York: Gordon and Breach, 1989.

---. "The Undiscovered Continent": Emily Dickinson and the Space of the Mind. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1983.

---, ed. Feminist Critics Read Emily Dickinson. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1983.

Kahn, Salamatullah. Emily Dickinson's Poetry: The Flood Subjects. New Delhi; Mystic, Conn.: Aarti Book Centre; Verry, 1969.   

Kamuf, Peggy. Signature Pieces: On the Institution of Authorship. Ithaca and London: Cornell Univ. Press, 1988.

Kauffman, Linda. Discourses of Desire: Gender, Genre, and Epistolary Fictions. Ithaca and London: Cornell Univ. Press, 1986.

Keller, Karl. The Only Kangaroo Among the Beauty: Emily Dickinson and America. Baltimore and London: John Hopkins Univ. Press, 1979.

Kher, Inder Nath. The Landscape of Absence: Emily Dickinson’s Poetry. New Haven: Yale UP, 1974.

Kirk, Connie Ann. Emily Dickinson: A Biography. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2004.

Knapp, Bettina L. Emily Dickinson. New York: Continuum, 1989.

Lalli, Biancamaria Tedeschini. Emily Dickinson.  Florence: Monnier, 1963.   

Langton, Jane. Emily Dickinson in Dead. New York: St. Martin's, 1984.

Lawrence, Robert R., and Frederick L. Morey. Emily Dickinson Bull. 22., 1972.   

Lease, Benjamin. Emily Dickinson's Readings of Men and Books: Sacred Sounding. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1990.

Leiter, Sharon. Critical Companion to Emily Dickinson: A Literary Reference to Her Life and Work. New York, NY: Facts on File, 2007.

Leyda, Jay. The Years and Hours of Emily Dickinson. New Haven and London: Yale Univ. Press, 1986. Lilliedahl, Ann. Emily Dickinson in Europe: Her Reputation in Selected Countries. Washington, DC: UP of America, 1981.

Lilliedahl, Ann. Emily Dickinson in Europe: Her Reputation in Selected Countries. Washington, DC: UP of Amer., 1981.   

Lindberg-Seyersted, Brit. Emily Dickinson's Punctuation. Amer. Inst., Univ. of Oslo: Oslo, 1977.

---. Emily Dickinson’s Punctuation. Oslo: American Institute of Oslo, 1976.

---. The Voice of the Poet: Aspects of Style in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1968.

Link, Franz. Zwei amerikanische Dichterinnen: Emily Dickinson und Hilda Doolittle. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1979.   

Linscott, Robert N. ed. Selected Poems and Letters of Emily Dickinson. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1959.

Loeffelholz, Mary. Dickinson and the Boundaries of Feminist Theory. Urbana, IL: Univ. of Illinois Press, 1991.

Lombardo, Daniel. A Hedge Away: The Other Side of Emily Dickinson’s Amherst. Northampton, MA: Daily Hampshire Gazette, 2004.

Longsworth, Polly. Emily Dickinson: A Letter. Amherst: The Friends of the Amherst College Library. 1992.

---. The World of Emily Dickinson. New York: W.W. Norton, 1990.

---. Austin & Mabel: The Amherst Affair and Love Letters of Austin Dickinson and Mabel Loomis Todd. New York: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1984.

Loreto, Paola. La contemplazione dell'emblema: La poesia eretica di Emily Dickinson. Milan, Italy: Unicopli, 1999.

Loving, Jerome. Emily Dickinson: The Poet on the Second Story. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1986.

Lowenberg, Carlton. Emily Dickinson's Textbooks. Ed. Territa A. Lowenberg and Carla L. Brown. Berkeley, Calif.: West Coast Print Center, 1986.

Lubbers, Klaus. Emily Dickinson: The Critical Revolution. Ann Arbor: The U of Michigan P, 1968.

Lucas, Dolores D. Emily Dickinson and Riddle. Illinois UP: DeKalb, 1970.

Luce, William. The Belle of Amherst. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976.

McIntosh, James. Nimble Believing: Dickinson and the Unknown. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2000.

MacKenzie, Cynthia. Concordance of the Letters of Emily Dickinson. Boulder, CO: Univ. Press of Colorado, 2000.

MacLeish, Archibald. Poetry and Experience.  Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin, 1960.   

McNaughton, Ruth F. The Imagery of Emily Dickinson. Folcroft, PA: Folcroft Library Editions, 1973.

McNeil, Helen. Emily Dickinson. London: Virago, 1986. McSweeney, Kerry. The Language of the Senses: Sensory-Perceptual Dynamics in Wordsworth, Coleridge, Thoreau, Whitman, and Dickinson. Montreal, QC: McGill-Queen's UP, 1998.

Marder, Daniel. Exiles at Home: A Story of Literature in Nineteenth Century America Lanham, MD: UP of America, 1984.

Martine, Wendy. Editor and "Introduction," The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.

---. An American Triptych: Anne Bradstreet, Emily Dickinson, Adrienne Rich. Chapel Hill and London: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1984.

Messiaen, P. Poémes Choisis.  Paris, France: Aubier, 1956.   

Messmer, Marietta. A Vice for Voices: Reading Emily Dickinson's Correspondance. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2001.

Meyerson, Joel. Emily Dickinson: A Descriptive Bibliography. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1984.

Miller, Cristanne. Emily Dickinson: A Poet's Grammar. Cambridge, Mass., and London: Harvard Univ. Press, 1987.

Miller, Ruth. The Poetry of Emily Dickinson. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1968.

Mitchell, Domhnall. Measures of Possibility: Emily Dickinson's Manuscripts. Amherst, MA: U of Massachusetts P, 2005.

---. Emily Dickinson: Monarch of Perception. Amherst, MA: Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 2000.

Mossberg, Barbara. Emily Dickinson: When a Writer is a Daughter. Bloomington: Indiana Univ. Press, 1982.

Mudge, Jean McClure. Emily Dickinson and the Image of Home. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1975.

Nakauchi, Masao. Emily Dickinson: Tsuyu no Horosha.  Tokyo: Nan'undo, 1981.   

Noble, Marianne. The Masochistic Pleasures of Sentimental Literature.  Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2000.

Oberhaus, Dorothy Huff. Emily Dickinson's Fascicles: Method & Meaning. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1995.

O’Keefe, Martha Lindblom. This Edifice: Studies in the Structure of the Fascicles of the Poetry of Emily Dickinson. Privately Printed, 1986.

Oliver, Virginia H. Apocolypse of Green: A Study of Emily Dickinson's Eschatology. New York, Peter Lang, 1989.

Olney, James. The Language(s) of Poetry: Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Gerard Manley Hopkins. Athens, Georgia: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1993.

Orzeck, Martin and Robert Weisbuch, eds. Dickinson and Audience. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996.

Ottlinger, Claudia. The Death-Motif in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti. New York: Peter Lang, 1996.

Paglia, Camille. Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson. London and New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1990.

Patterson, Rebecca. The Riddle of Emily Dickinson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1951. Petrino, Elizabeth A. Emily Dickinson and Her Contemporaries: Women's Versein America, 1820-1885. Hanover, NH: Univ. Press of New England, 1998.

---. Emily Dickinson's Imagery. Ed. Margaret Freeman. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1979.

Petrino, Elizabeth A. Emily Dickinson and Her Contemporaries: Women's Verse in America, 1820-1885 Hanover, NH: UP of New England, 1998.

Phillips, Elizabeth. Emily Dickinson: Personae and Performance. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State Univ. Press, 1996.

Pickard, John B. Emily Dickinson: An Introduction and Interpretation. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1967.

Pollak, Vivian R. ed. A Historical Guide to Emily Dickinson. New York: Oxford UP, 2004.

--- ed. A Poet's Parents: The Courtship Letters of Emily Norcross and Edward Dickinson. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988.

---. Dickinson: The Anxiety of Gender Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1984.

Pollitt, Josephine. Emily Dickinson: The Human Background of Her Poetry. New York: Harper, 1930.

Porter, David T. Dickinson: The Modern Idiom. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1981.

---. The Art of Emily Dickinson's Early Poetry. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1966.

Power, Mary James, Sister. In the Name of the Bee: The Significance of Emily Dickinson. New York: Sheed & Ward, 1943.

Pritchard, William H. Talking Back to Emily Dickinson, and Other Essays. Amherst, MA: Univ. of Massachusetts Press, 1998.

Rich, Adrienne. A Wild Patience Has Taken Me This Far. New York: W.W. Norton, 1981.

Robinson, John. Emily Dickinson: Looking to Canaan. Boston: Faber and Faber, 1986.

Rosenbaum, Stanford P. Concordance to the Poems of Emily Dickinson. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1964.

Rupp, Richard H. Critics on Emily Dickinson. University of Miami Press, 1972. Salska, Agnieszka. Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson: Poetry of the Central Consciousness. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1985.

Sánchez-Eppler, Karen. Touching Liberty: Abolition, Feminism, and the Politics of the Body.  Berkeley: U of California P, 1993.

Scott, Winfield Townley. Exiles and Fabrications.  Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1961.   

Sewall, Richard B. The Life of Emily Dickinson. New York: Farrar, Streaus and Giroux, 1974.

---. The Lyman Letters: New Light on Emily Dickinson and Her Family. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1965.

---, ed. Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963.

Shackford, Martha Hale. Talks on Ten Poets, Wordsworth to Moody. New York, NY: Bookman, 1958.   

Sherwood, William. Circumference and Circumstance: Stages in the Mind and Art of Emily Dickinson. New York: Columbia University Press, 1968.

Shurr, William H, ed., with Anna Dunlap and Emily Grey Shurr. New Poems of Emily Dickinson. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1993.

---. The Marriage of Emily Dickinson: A Study of the Fascicles. Lexington: Univ. of Kentucky Press, 1983.Sielke, Sabine. Fashioning the Female Subject: The Intertextual Networking of Dickinson, Moore, and Rich. Ann Arbor, MI: Univ. of Michigan Press, 1997.

Sielke, Sabine. Fashioning the Female Subject: The Intertextual Networking of Dickinson, Moore, and Rich. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P, 1997.

Small, Judy Jo. Positive as Sound: Emily Dickinson's Rhyme. Athens and London: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1990.

Smith, Martha Nell. Rowing in Eden: Rereading Emily Dickinson. Austin: U of Texas P, 1992.

Smith, Robert McClure. The Seductions of Emily Dickinson. Tuscaloosa: University of Texas Press, 1992.

Sohn, Youngmi. The Challenge of Temporality: The Time Poems of Emily Dickinson. New York: Peter Lang, 2000.

Sprague, Rosemary. Imaginary Gardens: A Study of Five American Poets. Philadelphia: Chilton Book Co., 1969.

St.Armand, Barton Levi. The Soul’s Society: Emily Dickinson and Her Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1984.

Stocks, Kenneth. Emily Dickinson and the Modern Consciousness: a Poet of Our Time. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988.

Stonum, Gary Lee. The Dickinson Sublime. Madison and London: Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1990.

Taggard, Genevieve. The Life and Mind of Emily Dickinson. New York, London: A. A. Knopf, 1930.

Tate, Allen. Six American Poets from Emily Dickinson to the Present: An Introduction. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 1972.

Thackery, Donald E. Emily Dickinson's Approach to Poetry. Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1954.

Thurman, Judith. I Became Alone: Five Women Poets, Sappho, Louse Labe, Ann Bradstreet, Juana Ines De La Cruz, Emily Dickinson. New York: Atheneum, 1975.

Todd, John E. Emily Dickinson's Use of the Persona. Mouton, 1973.

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---. "ED Checklist, Annotated (1985-88)." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 71 (1989): 18-35.

Kelly, Lionel. "Emily Dickinson: Imagining a Text." The Emily Dickinson Journal 5.2 (1996): 155-161.

Keniston, Ann. "On '1961'." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 10.1 (May 1998): 10-11.

Kennedy, Melinda. "Was the Leopard Bold?." Metamorphoses: Journal of the Five-College Seminar on Literary Translation 3.1 (Dec. 1994): 40-47.

Khan, M. M. "Dickinson's Phenomenology of Evolution and Imperfection and the Butterfly Symbolism." PanjabUniversity Research Bulletin (Arts) 14.1 (Apr. 1983): 55-70.   

---. "The Agony of the Final Inch: Treatment of Pain in Dickinson's Poems." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 47 (Dec. 1983): 22-33.

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---. "Conception of Love and Immortality in Dickinson's Poetry." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 36 (1979): 16-25.   

---. "Romantic Tradition and the Compound Vision of Love in Emily Dickinson's Poems." PanjabUniversity Research Bulletin (Arts) 9.1-2 (Apr. 1978): 53-69. 

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---. "Emily Dickinson Scholarship: Some Fugitive References 1969-70 (58 items)." Higginson Journal of Poetry 8 (1974): 11-12.   

Kier, Kathleen E. "Only Another Suspension of Disbelief: Emily Dickinson's 'I've Heard an Organ Talk, Sometimes...'." Massachusetts Studies in English 7-8.4-1 (1981): 40-48.   

Kilcup, Karen. "Emily Dickinson's Pearls." Hawthorne and Women: Engendering and Expanding the Hawthorne Tradition. 237-249. Amherst, MA: U of Massachusetts P, 1999.

Killingsworth, M. Jimmie. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (2004): 69-92.

---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (2003): 65-81.

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---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (2001): 67-95.

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---, and Daneen Wardrop. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1999): 71-96.

---, and Daneen Wardrop. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1998): 61-86.

---. "Dickinson's 'Who occupies this house'." Explicator 40.1 (Fall 1981): 33-35.   

Kim, Myong-ok. "[The Unique Qualities of Emily Dickinson's Nature Poems]." The Journal of English Language and Literature 36.1 (Spring 1990): 3-28.

Kimball, Ruth Putnam. "I Represent Judge Lord." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 29 (1976): 10-20.   

King, Katherine Ruth. "Canons without Innocence: Academic Practices and Feminist Practices Making the Poem in the Work of Emily Dickinson and Audre Lorde." Dissertation Abstracts International 49.3 (Sep. 1988): 504A-505a.

Kinser, Brent E. "Dickinson's 'Safe in Their Alabaster Chambers'." Explicator 58.3 (Spring 2000): 143-146.

Kintgen, Eugene R. "Nonrecoverable Deletion and Compression in Poetry." Foundations of Language 9 (1972): 98-104.   

Kirby, David. "Shrouded in a Fiery Mist." TriQuarterly 125 (2006): 9-21.

Kirkby, Joan. "Dickinson Reading." The Emily Dickinson Journal 5.2 (1996): 247-254.

Kirk, Connie Ann. "'Open the Door, They Are Waiting for Me': An Introduction to the Evergreens Nursery." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 16.1 (May 2004): 4-6.

---. "A Biography of Emily Dickinson for Young Adults, Including New Archival Research from the Martha Dickinson Bianchi Collection." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64.11 (May 2004): 4051-4051.

---. "'To Stay Behind-with Just the Toys': Gilbert Dickinson's Living Treasures in the Evergreens." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 15.2 (Nov. 2003): 12.

---. "'I will sone be home': Margaret Maher, Emily Dickinson, and an Irish Trunk Full of Poems," in David Valone and Christine Kinealy (Eds.), Ireland's Great Hunger: Silence, Memory, and Commemoration, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2002.

---. "'I Will Sone Be Home': Margaret Maher, Emily Dickinson, and an Irish Trunk Full of Poems." Ireland's Great Hunger: Silence, Memory, and Commemoration. 257-268. Lanham, MD: UP of America, 2002.

---. "'The Distance Would Not Haunt Me So-': Teaching Dickinson's Poetry through Distance Education." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 14.1 (May 2002): 8-10.

--- Reveries of a Writer: On Emily Dickinson and the Creative Process. Online. 10 December 2002. Creative/scholarly book and online project in progress.

---. "Why Do Children Like Emily Dickinson?." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 12.1 (May 2000): 14-15.

--- "The Life and Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Barnes & NobleUniversity. Online Continuing Education Course. Introduces Dickinson to a wider audience of general readers.

Kissam, Dorothea A. "Who Was Susan? Does She Stand on Her Own?." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 11.1 (May 1999): 9.

---. "Guiding at the Homestead: A Personal View." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 10.2 (Nov. 1998): 12-12.

---. "Has Mabel Loomis Todd Been Given Her Due?." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 9.2 (Nov. 1997): 11.

Kjaer, Niels. "Dickinson in Denmark: A Bibliography."Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 71 (1989): 36-39.

---. "Emily Dickinson, Job's Sister." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 65 (1988): 19-24.

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---. "Emily Dickinson in Denmark." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 59 (1986): 45-46.

---. "The Poet of the Moment: Emily Dickinson and Søren Kierkegaard." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 59 (1986): 46-49.

Klaffer, Lee. "A Paradox of Meanings: Language and the Experience of Themes in Three Poems by Emily Dickinson." Language and Literature 19 (1994): 55-71.

Klett, Ada M. "Doom and Fortitude: A Study of Poetic Metaphor in Annette von Droste-Hülshoff (1797-1848) and Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)." Monatshefte für Deutschen Unterricht, Deutsche Sprache und Literatur 37 (1945): 37-54.   

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Knox, Helene. "Dickinson's 'The Poets Light But Lamps-'." Explicator 41.1 (Fall 1982): 31-31.      

---. "Metaphor and Metonymy in Emily Dickinson's Figurative Thinking." Massachusetts Studies in English 7-8.4-1 (1981): 49-56.   

---. "The Alien Dimension: A Study of Metaphor and Metonymy in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 40 (1980): 4040A.   

Koga, Mihoko. "Dikinsun shi ni okeru kyoki." Amerika bungaku to kyoki. 83-114. Tokyo, Japan: Eihosha, 2000.

Koguchi, Hiroyuki. "Emily Dickinson and Apocalypse." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 82 (1992): 7-23.

Kohler, Michelle. "Dickinson's Embodied Eyeball: Transcendentalism and the Scope of Vision." Emily Dickinson Journal 13.2 (2004): 27-57.

Kohler, Wendy. "'What a Home You and I Shall Make, Sue-Did Anyone Else Ever Dream of Such a Home?'." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 14.1 (May 2002): 1-2.

---. "Tevis Kimball: Honoring the Legacy, Embracing the Challenge." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 14.2 (Nov. 2002): 7.

Kohn, John S. van E. "Giving Emily Dickinson to the World." PrincetonUniversity Library Chronicle 31 (1969): 47-54.   

Kondo, Keiko. "Eliot among New England Poets: Poetry on Writing Poetry." Studies in English Language and Literature 30 (1980): 19-43.   

Koski, Lena M. "Sirkka Heiskanen-Mäkelä: The Invisible Woman behind So Much." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 12.1 (May 2000): 6.

---. "Sexual Metaphors in Emily Dickinson's Letters to Susan Gilbert." The Emily Dickinson Journal 5.2 (1996): 26-31.

Kriesberg, Ruth M. "The Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts: Section A. Humanities and Social Science 27 (1967): 3872A-3873a.   

Kumin, Maxine. "Emily Revisited." Emily Dickinson Journal 15.2 (2006): 20-22.

LaBelle, Jenijoy. "Dickinson's 'Savior! I've no one else to tell'." Explicator 38.4 (1980): 34-35.   

Lachman, Lilach. "Time-Space and Audience in Dickinson's Vacuity Scenes." Emily Dickinson Journal 12.1 (2003): 80-106.

---. "'Suspense Is His Maturer Sister': Time Fear and Audience in Dickinson's Gothic Drama." Gothic Studies 3.1 (Apr. 2001): 61-74.

Lackey, Allen D. "Dickinson's 'I never lost as much but twice'." Explicator 34 (1975).   

Ladin, Jay. "Meeting Her Maker: Emily Dickinson's God." Cross Currents 56 no3 338-46 Fall 2006

Ladin, Jay. “‘So Anthracite – to live’: Emily Dickinson and American Literary History.” The Emily Dickinson Journal 13.1 (2004): 19–50.

---. "'Goblin with a Gauge': Teaching Emily Dickinson." Emily Dickinson Journal 9.2 (2000): 32-41.

---. "Breaking the Line: Emily Dickinson and William Carlos Williams." The Emily Dickinson Journal 3.1 (1994): 41-59.

Laff, Ned Scott. "Language, Style, and Literary Response: The Role of Stylistics in Teaching Reader Response and Literary Theory." McNeese Review 40 (2002): 67-80.

Lair, Robert L. "Is Immortality True? Conflict and Irresolution in the Life and Writings of Emily Dickinson." University of Dayton Review 19.1 (1987-1988 Winter 1987): 111-119.

---. "Emily Dickinson's Fracture of Grammar: Syntactic Ambiguity in Her Poems." The Analysis of Literary Texts: Current Trends in Methodology. 158-164. Ypsilanti: Bilingual Press, 1980.   

---. "Emily Dickinson's Fracture of Grammar." Dissertation Abstracts: Section A. Humanities and Social Science 27 (1967): 3052A-3053a.   

---. "Dickinson's 'As By the Dead We Love to Sit'." Explicator 25 (1967).   

Laitman, Lori. Art song compositions from Dickinson poems:"Wider than the Sky" and "Good Morning Midnight." Both premiered at the EDIS "Dickinson in Song" meeting in Amherst, July, 2002. Second CD, which contains 7 Dickinson settings, is due out from Albany Recordsin March, 2003.

Lalli, Biancamaria Tedeschini. "Sul vocabolario poetico di Emily Dickinson." Studi Americani 10 (1964): 181-200.   

---. "Emily Dickinson: Dio Come Ansia." Studi Americani 8 (1962): 71-76.   

Lamarca Margalef, Jordi. "Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)." Salina: Revista de Lletres 5 (May 1990): 56-58.

Lamb, Catherine E. "A White Bird Flying Straight Down." Private Voices, Public Lives: Women Speak on the Literary Life. 86-98. Denton: U of North Texas P, 1995.

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Lampert, Nancy. "Dew Imagery in Emily Dickinson's Poetry." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 29 (1976): 44-53.   

Landrey, David. "The Spider Self of Emily Dickinson and Susan Howe." Talisman: A Journal of Contemporary Poetry and Poetics 4 (Spring 1990): 107-109.

Landry, H. Jordon. "The Touched, the Tasted, and the Tempted: Lesbianizing the Triangles of Puritan Conversion Narratives in Emily Dickinson." Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 33.7 (Oct. 2004): 875-906.

---. "Animal/Insectual/Lesbian Sex: Dickinson's Queer Version of the Birds and the Bees." Emily Dickinson Journal 9.2 (2000): 42-54

Langdell, Cheri Davis. "Pain of Silence: Emily Dickinson's Silences, Poetic Persona and Ada's Selfhood in The Piano." The Emily Dickinson Journal 5.2 (1996): 196-201.

Lanyi, Ronald. "'My faith that dark adores - ': Calvinist Theology in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 32 (1976): 264-278.   

Lanza, Carmela Delia. "'And Who Counts as 'Us': Slipping In and Out of Emily Dickinson and Myself." Emily Dickinson Journal 7.1 (1998): 75-88.

Larsen, Ide Hejlskov. "Mytisk struktur og poetisk form i Walt Whitmans og Emily Dickinsons lyrik." K&K: Kultur og Klasse. Kritik og Kulturanalyse 27.2 [88] (1999): 81-97.

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Larsen, Jeanne. "Text and Matrix: Dickinson, H. D., and Woman's Voice." Engendering the Word: Feminist Essays in Psychosexual Poetics. 244-261. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1989.

Larson, Laura Louise. "The Tradition of Meditative Poetry in America." Dissertation Abstracts International 56.4 (Oct. 1995): 1356A.

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Laverty, Carroll D. "Structural Patterns in Emily Dickinson's Poetry." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 44 (1966): 12-17.  

Lawes, Rochie Whittington. "Emily Dickinson and 'Dimity Convictions'." University of Mississippi Studies in English 1 (1980): 127-128.     

Lawson, Elizabeth. "God as an 'Eclipse'." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 61 (1987): 23-26.

Leader, Jennifer. "Fitting In: Emily Dickinson among Others." Emily Dickinson Journal 15.1 (2006): 83-94.

---. "'A House Not Made with Hands': Natural Typology in the Work of Jonathan Edwards, Emily Dickinson and Marianne Moore." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64.2 (Aug. 2003): 501-501.

Leary, Lewis. "The Poems of Emily Dickinson." Thought 31 (1956): 282-286.   

Lease, Benjamin. "Ralph W. Franklin: Our Guide to Dickinson's Legacy." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 11.1 (May 1999): 2-3.

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Leavell, Linda. "Marianne Moore's Emily Dickinson." Emily Dickinson Journal 12.2 (2003): 1-20.

Lebow, Lori. "Emily Dickinson's Epistolary Poetics: Text, Lies and Autobiography." Tradition and the Poetics of Self in Nineteenth-Century Women’s Poetry. 77-95. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2002.

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Ledwell, Sister Marguerite. "Some Historical Criticism of Dickinson's Poetry." Chu-Shikoku Studies in American Literature 8 (1972): 1-14.   

Lee, M. Claudia. "A Comparative Analysis of Selected Nature Poetry of Emily Dickinson and So Wol Kim." Saint LouisUniversity Research Journal of the GraduateSchool of Arts and Sciences 6 (1975): 333-373.   

Lee, Maurice S. "Writing through the War: Melville and Dickinson after the Renaissance." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America115, no. 5 (2000 Oct): p. 1124-28.

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Lengeler, Rainer. "Emily Dickinson in der Manier Paul Celans." Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht 20.1 (1987): 169-183.

Lensing, George S. "Dickinson's 'I Started Early--Took My Dog'." Explicator 31 (1972).   

Leonard, Douglas Novich. "Certain Slants of Light: Exploring the Art of Dickinson's Fascicle 13." Approaches to Teaching Dickinson’s Poetry. 124-133. New York: Mod. Lang. Assn. of Amer., 1989.

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Leonard, Garry M. "The Necessary Strategy of Renunciation: The Triumph of Emily Dickinson and the Fall of Sylvia Plath." University of Dayton Review 19.1 (1987-1988 Winter 1987): 79-90.

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Lilliedahl, Ann. "Emily Dickinson in Europe: Her Literary Reputation in Selected Countries." Dissertation Abstracts International 40 (1980): 4041A-4041A.   

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Lira, José. "A Invenção da Rima na Tradução de Emily Dickinson." Cadernos de Tradução 6.2 (2000): 78-103.

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---. "'In Dreams Begin Responsibilities': Curating the Houghton Library's Dickinson Exhibtion." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 12.1 (May 2000): 16-17.

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Pearce, Daniel Myers. "'The Soul's Superior Instants': The Individual Psychology of Emily Dickinson's Poetry." Dissertation Abstracts International 50.2 (Aug. 1989): 445A-445A.

Pebworth, Ted and Jay Summers. “Dickinson’s ‘The Feet of People Walking Home.’” Explicator 31.8 (1973): item 65.

---. "The Lusterware on Dickinson's Silver Shelf." American Notes and Queries 12 (1973): 18-18.   

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Perriman, Wendy Karen. "'A Wounded Deer-Leaps Highest-':The Effects of Incest on the Life and Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64.2 (Aug. 2003): 503-503.

Perrine, Laurence. "Dickinson's 'Some work for immortality'." Explicator 40.1 (Fall 1981): 32-33.   

---. "Structure and Pronominal Reference in 'It was not Death' (J. 510)." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 38 (1980): 34-36.   

---. "Dickinson's 'A house upon the hight'." Explicator 36.3 (1978): 14-15.

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---, and Linda Mizejewski. "Dickinson Distorted." College English 36.2 (Oct. 1974): 212-213.   

---. "Dickinson's 'She sweeps with many-colored brooms' (J. 219)." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 26 (1974): 72-72.   

---. "Dickinson's 'The Robin Is the One'." Explicator 33 (1974).   

---. "Explication of J.219: She sweeps with many-colored brooms." Emily Dickinson Bulletin 26 (1974): 72-72.   

---. "Dickinson's 'There Are Two Ripenings'." Explicator 31 (1973).   

---, and David H. Hirsch, reply. "Emily Dickinson's 'Present(i)ment' Again." American Notes and Queries 3 (1965): 119-119. 

---. "Dickinson's 'My Life Has Stood a Loaded Gun'." Explicator 21 (1962).      

---. "Dickinson's 'There's a Certain Slant of Light'." Explicator 11 (1953).   

---. "Emily's Beloved Friend," Southwest Review 37(Winter 1952): 81-83.

---. "Dickinson's I Started Early, Took My Dog." Explicator 10 (1952): 28-28.   

Perrone, Mary Krenitsky. "Finding Common Ground: 'Paint', Politics, People, and the Poet (The 1850s as Formative for the Writer Emily Dickinson)." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 65.5 (Nov. 2004): 1784-1784.

Peschel, Richard E., and Enid Rhodes Peschel. "'Am I in Heaven Now?' Case History, Literary Histories." Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal 66.4 (Winter 1983): 469-480.   

Peterson, Kathleen Anne. "Supposed Person: Emily Dickinson and the Selflessness of Poetry." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 67.5 (Nov. 2006): 1732-1732.

Peterson, Katie. "Surround Sound: Dickinson's Self and the Hearable." Emily Dickinson Journal 14.2 (2005): 76-88.

Petrino, Elizabeth A. "Late Bloomer: The Gentian as Sign or Symbol in the Work of Dickinson and Her Contemporaries." Emily Dickinson Journal 14.1 (2005): 104-123.

---. "'Allow Me, Sir, at Parting': Sentimentality and Emotional Spectatorship in Dickinson's and Poe's Verse Valentines." Worcester Review 23.2 (2002): 89-97.

---. "'Silent Eloquence': The Social Codification of Floral Metaphors in the Poems of Frances Sargent Osgood and Emily Dickinson." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 15.2 (1998): 139-158.

---. "'Feet So Precious Charged': Dickinson, Sigourney, and the Child Elegy." Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 13.2 (Fall 1994): 317-338.

---. "Emily Dickinson and the Limits of Expression: American Women's Verse in Its Publishing Context, 1820-1880." Dissertation Abstracts International 52.8 (Feb. 1992): 2926A-2926A.

Petrukhova, Olga Nikolaevna. "The Queens of Language: Gender and Creativity in Anna Akhmatova and Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 62.7 (Jan. 2002): 2413-2414.

Petry, Alice Hall. "Teaching Dickinson to the Fine Arts Major." Approaches to Teaching Dickinson’s Poetry. 56-61. New York: Mod. Lang. Assn. of Amer., 1989.

---. "The Ophidian Image in Holmes and Dickinson." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 54.4 (Dec. 1982): 598-601.   

---. "Two Views of Nature in Emily Dickinson's 'In winter in my room'." Modern Language Studies 9.2 (Spring 1979): 16-22.   

Phelan, Joan D. "Puritan Tradition and Emily Dickinson's Poetic Practice." Dissertation Abstracts International 33 (1973): 5136A.   

Phillips, Emma J. "Mysticism in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts: Section A. Humanities and Social Science 28 (1967): 2259A-2259A.   

Phillips, Siobhan. "'Loved Philology': Emily Dickinson's Trinitarian Word." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 51.4 [201] (2005): 251-275.

Pierstorff, Don K. "Comment on 'Emily Dickinson Was a Poetess' by Elsa Greene." College English 36.2 (Oct. 1974): 216-217.   

Pike, Kenneth L. "Beyond the Sentence." College Composition and Communication 15.3 (Oct. 1964): 129-135.   

Pineda, Rafael. "Emily Dickinson." Revista Nacional de Cultura 25.156-157 (1963): 132-145.   

Piñero Gil, Eulalia C. "'Armas, espadas y escalpelos': La poética femenina de Emily Dickinson y Marianne Moore." Estudios de la mujer en el ámbito de los países de habla inglesa, III. 233-241. Madrid, Spain: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1998.

Pinsker, Sanford. "Reading Faces/Reading Culture, or How I Brooded about Three Writerly Photographs." Virginia Quarterly Review: A National Journal of Literature and Discussion 73.3 (Summer 1997): 432-445.

Plumly, Stanley. "Doors Ajar." Field: Contemporary Poetry and Poetics 55 (Fall 1996): 21-26.

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Pohl, Frederick J. "A Poet and a Scientist." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 63 (1987): 3-14.

---. "The Emily Dickinson Controversy." Sewanee Review 41 (1933): 467-482.   

Polak, Sara. "Emily Dickinson's Epistolary Immortality." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 18.2 (Nov. 2006): 4-7.

Pollak, Vivian R., and Marianne Noble. "Emily Dickinson 1830-1886: A Brief Biography." A Historical Guide to Emily Dickinson. 13-63. Oxford, England: Oxford UP, 2004.

---. “Dickinson and the Poetics of Whiteness.” Emily Dickinson Journal 9.2 (2000), 84–95.

---. "American Women Poets Reading Dickinson: The Example of Helen Hunt Jackson." The Emily Dickinson Handbook. 323-341. Amherst, MA: U of Massachusetts P, 1998.

---. "Thirst and Starvation in Emily Dickinson's Poetry." Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical Essays. 62-75. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1996.

---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1988): 67-83.

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---. "Dickinson, Poe, and Barrett Browning: A Clarification." New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 54.1 (Mar. 1981): 121-124.   

---. "Thirst and Starvation in Emily Dickinson's Poetry." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 51.1 (Mar. 1979): 33-49.   

---. "After Calvary: The Last Years of ED's 'Dearest Earthly Friend'." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 34 (1978): 13-18.

---. "Emily Dickinson's Literary Allusions." Essays in Literature 1 (1974): 54-68.     

---. "Emily Dickinson's Valentines." American Quarterly 26 (1974): (60). 

---. "'That Fine Prosperity': Economic Metaphors in Emily Dickinson's Poetry." Modern Language Quarterly 34 (1973): 161-179.        

---. "Emily Dickinson's Early Poems and Letters." Dissertation Abstracts International 31 (1970): 366A-366A.   

Pomarè, Carla. "A 'Silver Reticence': Emily Dickinson's Rhetoric of Silence." Semantics of Silences in Linguistics and Literature. 211-222. Heidelberg: Winter, 1996.

Pommer, Henry F. "Emily Dickinson's 'I Dreaded That First Robin, So'." RE: Artes Liberales 6.1 (1972): 29-47.   

Porter, David. "Searching for Dickinson's Themes." The Emily Dickinson Handbook. 183-196. Amherst, MA: U of Massachusetts P, 1998.

---. "Dickinson's Unrevised Poems." Dickinson and Audience. 11-29. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P, 1996.

---. "Assembling a Poet and Her Poems: Convergent Limit-Works of Joseph Cornell and Emily Dickinson." Word & Image: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry 10.3 (July 1994): 199-221.

---. “Dickinson’s Readers.” New England Quarterly 57 (1984): 106–17.

---. "Emily Dickinson: A Disabling Freedom." Massachusetts Studies in English 7-8.4-1 (1981): 80-87.   

---. "Emily Dickinson's 'Strangely Abstracted' Images: What the Worksheets Reveal." BostonUniversity Journal 23.3 (1975): 22-31.   

---. "The Crucial Experience in Emily Dickinson's Poetry." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 77 (1974): 280-290.   

---. "Emily Dickinson: The Poetics of Doubt." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 60 (1970): 86-93.   

---T. "Emily Dickinson: The Formative Years." Massachusetts Review: A Quarterly of Literature, the Arts and Public Affairs 6 (1965): 559-569.   

---. "The Art of Emily Dickinson's Early Poetry." Dissertation Abstracts 25 (1964): 1921-1922.   

Porter, J. S. "Notes on Emily Dickinson's 'Terrible Simplicity'." Antigonish Review 105 (Spring 1996): 43-51.

Porumbacu, Veronica. "Epistolele unei poete: Emily Dickinson." Romania Literara: Saptaminal de Literatura si Arta Editat de Uniunea Scriitorilor din Republica Socialista 6 Dec (1973): 28-29.   

---. "Emily Dickinson." Gazeta Literara 1968 Jan. 11 (1968): 8-8.   

Praitis, Irena Aldona. "Shaping Forms: Poetic Revisions of the Body in Dickinson, Bishop, and Plath." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 60.3 (Sep. 1999): 745-745.

Pratt, Priscilla Young. "'Then Sunrise Kissed My Chrysalis': Figurations of the Erotic in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 52.2 (Aug. 1991): 540A.

Price, Kenneth M. and Martha Nell Smith (codirectors) “Whitman, Dickinson, and Teaching American Literature with New Technologies.”

---, and Daneen Wardrop. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1999): 61-82.

---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1998): 67-88.

---. "'Nobody Knows, So Still It Flows': The Discourse of Water in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 57.4 (Oct. 1996): 1620A.

---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1995): 61-78.

Priddy, Anna Lynn. "Girls Who Would Be Gods: The Poetry of Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Bishop, and Sylvia Plath." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 62.6 (Dec. 2001): 2118-2118.

Pridgen, Nancy List. "Realizing Possibilities: Sean Vernon's Music and Emily Dickinson's Words." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 16.1 (May 2004): 7-8.

Prioli, Carmine A. "ED's Reading of Francis Quarles." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 35 (1979): 3-7.   

Privratsky, Kenneth L. "Irony in Emily Dickinson's 'Because I could not stop for Death'." Concerning Poetry 11.2 (1978): 25-30.   

Purdy, Dwight H. "Dickinson's 'What soft, cherubic creatures'." Explicator 33 (1975).   

Qin, Dongxin. "The Critique of Symbolic Representation in Emily Dickinson's Poetry: Seeing Things in Themselves." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 65.5 (Nov. 2004): 1770-1770.

Quinn, Carol. "Dickinson, Telegraphy, and the Aurora Borealis." Emily Dickinson Journal 13.2 (2004): 58-78.

Raab, Josef. "The Metapoetic Element in Dickinson." The Emily Dickinson Handbook. 273-295. Amherst, MA: U of Massachusetts P, 1998.

Rabe, Olive H. "Emily Dickinson as Mystic." Colorado Quarterly 14 (1966): 280-288.   

Rachal, John. "Probing the Final Mystery in Dickinson's 'I heard a fly buzz' and 'I've seen a dying eye'." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 39 (1981): 44-46.   

Rader, Ralph. "Literary Permanence and Critical Change." Works and Days: Essays in the Socio-Historical Dimensions of Literature and the Arts 4.1 [7] (Spring 1986): 9-15.

Rafferty, Charles. "The Use of Slant Rhyme." Hellas: A Journal of Poetry and the Humanities 6.2 (1995 Fall-Winter 1995): 114-120.

Rahim, F. Abdul. "'I Dwell in Possibility': An Interpretation of the Inner Voice and Vision of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 48.1 (July 1987): 127A-127A.

Rainwater, Mary Janice. "Emily Dickinson and Six Contemporary Writers: Her Poetry in Relation to Her Reading." Dissertation Abstracts International 36 (1976): 4479A-4479A.   

Ramirez, Anne West. "Harriet Beecher Stowe's Christian Feminism in The Minister's Wooing: A Precedent for Emily Dickinson." Christianity and Literature 51.3 (Spring 2002): 407-424.

---. "Sisters in Search: Emily Dickinson's Affinities with the Tradition of Christlike Women in Literature." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 60.6 (Dec. 1999): 2030-2031.

---. "The Art to Save: Emily Dickinson's Vocation as Female Prophet." Christianity and Literature 47.4 (Summer 1998): 387-401.

Randall, Julia. "Dickinson with a Difference: The Poetry of Josephine Miles." Hollins Critic 17.3 (1980): 1-12.   

Randsom, John Crowe. "Emily Dickinson: A Poet Restored." In Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Richard B. Sewall, pp. 88-100. Englewood cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1963.

Rangnes, Brita Strand. "Poetiske augeblinkar: Ei lesning av Emily Dickinsons 'The Soul Has Bandaged Moments'." Nordlit: Arbeidstidsskrift i litteratur 5 (Spring 1999): 195-205.

Ransom, John Crowe. "Emily Dickinson: A Poet Restored." Perspectives USA 15 (1956): 5-20.     

Ranta, Jerrald. "Dickinson's 'Alone and in a Circumstance' and the Theft of Intellectual Property." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 41.1 (1st Quarter 1995): 65-95.

Rapin, Rene. "Dickinson's 'I Never Lost as Much but Twice'." Explicator 31 (1973).     

---. "Dickinson's 'Farther in Summer than the Birds'." Explicator 12 (1954).   

Rashid, Frank D. "The Role of Dickinson's Biography in the Classroom." Approaches to Teaching Dickinson’s Poetry. 134-141. New York: Mod. Lang. Assn. of Amer., 1989.

---. "Higginson the Entomologist." New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 56.4 (Dec. 1983): 577-582.

Raymond, Claire. "Emily Dickinson as the Un-Named, Buried Child." Emily Dickinson Journal 12.1 (2003): 107-122.

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Reddy, Srikanth. "'All We Secure of Beauty Is Its Evanescences': The Ratio, the Rainbow, and Dickinson's Theory of Value." Denver Quarterly 39.4 (June 2005): 66-76.

Reed, Evelyn C. "Emily Dickinson's Treasury of Images: The Book of Revelation." Emily Dickinson Bulletin 23 (1973): 156-160.   

Reed, Michael. "Masculine Identity and Oral Security in the Poems of Emily Dickinson." Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 9.3-4 (Aug. 1988): 278-286.

Regan, Robert. "Dickinson's Elected Audience." Dickinson and Audience. 217-231. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P, 1996.

Regelson, Avraham. "Te'imot Me-shirat Emily Dickinson." Mo'oznayim: Monthly of the Association of Hebrew Writers in Israel 32 (1971): 278.   

Reiff, Margo, Gloria Biamonte,and Elizabeth Lambert. "Legacy's Checklist of ED Material for 1987." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 66 (1988): 39-39.

Reiss, Edmund. "Recent Scholarship on Whitman and Dickinson." Teacher & American Literature (1965): 115-127.   

Reiss, John. "Emily Dickinson's Self-Reliance." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 38 (1980): 25-33.   

Reiss, Lenore A. "The White-Robed Recluse: A Study of Emily Dickinson." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 86 (1993): 1-31.

Renaux, Sigrid. "Dickinson's 'A light exists in spring'." Explicator 46.4 (Summer 1988): 21-21.

Resetarits, C. R.. The Genomic Tropes of Dickinson's 'The Veins of Other Flowers'. The Kenyon Review, 28.1 (2006), 79 (6 pages)

Reynolds, David S. "Emily Dickinson and Popular Culture." The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson. Ed. Martin, Wendy. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.

Reynolds, Jerry Ferris. "'Banishment from Native Eyes': The Reason for Emily Dickinson's Seclusion Reconsidered." Markham Review 8 (1979): 41-48.   

Reynolds, Virginia Dickinson. “Clad in Victory.” Guests in Eden: Emily Dickinson, Martha Dickinson Bianchi. New York: Zeta Chapter, Phi Delta Gamma, 1946. 12–15.

Ricca, Bradley James. "American Zodiac: Astronomical Signs in Dickinson, Melville, and Poe." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64.5 (Nov. 2003): 1661-1661.

---. "Emily Dickinson: Learn'd Astronomer." Emily Dickinson Journal 9.2 (2000): 96-108.

Rich, Adrienne. "Beginners." The Kenyon Review 15.3 (Summer 1993): 12-19.

---. "Koha shel Emily Dickinson." Moznayim: Yarhon Agudat ha-Soferim ha-'Ivrim be-Medinat Yisrael/Monthly of the Association of Hebrew Wri 55.4-5 (1982): 37-39.   

---. "Vesuvius at Home: The Power of Emily Dickinson." In On Lies, Secrets, and Silence: Selected Prose 1966-1978, pp. 157-183. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1979.

---. "I am in Danger--Sir--." Necessities of Life. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1979.

Rich, Susanna Lippoczy. "After Great Pain: Chill Translation of Dickinson." Emily Dickinson Journal 6.2 (1997): 146-150.

Richmond, Lee J. "Teaching ED and Metaphor: Towards Modern Poetic Practice." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 72 (1989): 33-42.

---. "Emersonian Echos in Dickinson's 'These are the signs'." American Transcendental Quarterly: A Journal of New England Writers 29 (1976): 2-3.   

---. "Dickinson's 'Death is a Dialogue between'." Emily Dickinson Bulletin 23 (1973): 171-171.   

---. "Success in Circuit: The Poetic Craft of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 31 (1971): 6069A-6069A.   

Richwell, Adrian. "Poetic Immortality: Dickinson's 'Flood-Subject' Reconsidered (A Reading of ED's Poetry about Literary Fame)." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 69 (1989): 1-31.

Rieke, Susan Ann. "'Grasped by God': Emily Dickinson's Relationship with the Diety." Dissertation Abstracts International 55.4 (Oct. 1994): 966A-966A.

---. "'I'm Kneeling-Still-': A Study of Emily Dickinson's Siege on the Sacred." American Benedictine Review 44.3 (Sep. 1993): 258-279.

Riese, Teut Andreas. "Emily Dickinson und der Sprachgeist amerikanischer Lyrik." Die Neueren Sprachen (1963): 145-159.   

Riffaterre, Michael. "Fear of Theory." Romanic Review 93.1-2 (Jan. 2002): 185-199.

Riggs, Don. "Emily Dickinson on the Addictive Process."Schuylkill: A Creative and Critical Review from TempleUniversity1.1 (Fall 1997): 45-54.

Ringler-Henderson, Ellin. "Poem 315." Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 16.1-2 (1989): 67-71.

---. "Poem 754." Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 16.1-2 (1989): 127-131.

Ripley, Richard J. "Dickinson's 'So Much of Heaven Has Gone from Earth'." Explicator 42.1 (Fall 1983): 27-30.   

Rizzo, Patricia Thompson. "Emily Dickinson: Feminine Masculinity in Mediterranean Garb." America and the Mediterranean. 413-422. Turin, Italy: Otto, 2003.

---. "The Elegaic Modes of Emily Dickinson." Emily Dickinson Journal 11.1 (2002): 104-117.

---. "Emily Dickinson and the 'Blue Peninsula': Dickinson's Reception in Italy." Emily Dickinson Journal 8.1 (1999): 97-107.

Roberts, David A. "Emily Dickinson's 'Woe of Ecstacy'." Colorado Quarterly 23 (1975): 505-517.   

Robinson, David. "Text and Meaning in ED's 'A Pit - but Heaven over it - ' (J. 1712)." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 33 (1978): 45-52.   

Robinson, Douglas. "Two Dickinson Readings."Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 70 (1989): 25-35.

Robinson, Fred Miller. "Strategies of Smallness: Wallace Stevens and Emily Dickinson." The Wallace Stevens Journal: A Publication of the Wallace Stevens Society 10.1 (Spring 1986): 27-35.

Rodger, Audrey T. "'Circumference' in the Poetry of ED." Emily Dickinson Bulletin 31 (1977): 15-32.   

Rodier, Katharine. "'Astra Castra': Emily Dickinson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, and Harriet Prescott Spofford." Separate Spheres No More: Gender Convergence in American Literature, 1830-1930. 50-72. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2000.

---. "'A Career of Letters': Emily Dickinson, T. W. Higginson, and Literary Women." Dissertation Abstracts International 56.10 (Apr. 1996): 3964A-3964A.

---. "Glaspell and Dickinson: Surveying the Premises of Alison's House." Susan Glaspell: Essays on Her Theater and Fiction. 195-218. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P, 1995.

---. "'What Is Inspiration?': Emily Dickinson, T. W. Higginson, and Maria White Lowell." The Emily Dickinson Journal 4.2 (1995): 20-43.

Rogers, B.J. "The Truth Told Slant: Emily Dickinson's Poetic Mode." Texas Studies in Literature and Language: A Journal of the Humanities 14 (1972): 329-336.   

Rogers, Katharine M. "Introducing Dickinson in a Basic Literature Course." Approaches to Teaching Dickinson’s Poetry. 52-55. New York: Mod. Lang. Assn. of Amer., 1989.

Rooke, Constance. "'The first Day's Night had come - ': An Explication of J.410." Emily Dickinson Bulletin 24 (1973): 221-223.   

Rose, Marilyn Gaddis. "Translation Analysis: 'Internal (and External) Difference/ Where the Meanings Are'." Translation Perspectives 11 (2000): 325-329.

Rosenbaum, S. P. "Emily Dickinson and the Machine." Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia 18 (1965): 207-227.   

Rosenfeld, Alvin. "A. R. Ammons: The Poems of a Solitary." The American Poetry Review 5.4 (July 1976): 40-41.   

Rosenthal, Bianca. "Paul Celan's Translation of Emily Dickinson's 'Because I Could Not Stop for Death'." Emily Dickinson Journal 6.2 (1997): 133-139.

Rosenthal, M.L. "Poems by the Packet." Review of Franklin's The Manuscript Books of Emily Dickinson and Porter's Dickinson: The Modern Idiom. Times Literary Supplement, March 26, 1982, p.357.

Rosenthal, Melinda M. "Obtaining Her Own Extent: The Singular Quest of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 51.2 (Aug. 1990): 506A-507a.

Ross, Christina. "Logic, Rhetoric, and Discourse in the Literary Texts of Nineteenth-Century Women." RSQ. 32.2 (Spring 2002): p. 85-109. Dickinson's poetry is a central text in this essay.

Ross, Christine. "Logic, Rhetoric, and Discourse in the Literary Texts of Nineteenth-Century Women." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 32.2 (Spring 2002): 85-109.

---. “Uncommon Measures: Textbook Instruction and Emily Dickinson’s Subversive Prosody.” Emily Dickinson Journal 10.1 (Fall 2001): 70–98.

---. "The Natural Law of Standard English and the Practical Criticism of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 56.5 (Nov. 1995): 1753A.

Ross, John Robert with Masako Takeda. “Art, Science, and Ste. Emilie’s Sunsets: A Háj-inspired Cognitive Approach to Translating an Emily Dickinson Poem into Japanese.”Style 40.1-2: 109-127. [A sloop of amber]. (2006).

Rossky, William. "Dickinson's 'A Clock Stopped'." Explicator 22 (1963).  

Rostagno, Irene. "Emily Dickinson: Beyond the Norm." Taller de Letras 10 (1982): 87-98.   

Rothberg, Morey, and Vivian Pollak. "An Emily Dickinson Manuscript (Re)Identified at the Library of Congress." Emily Dickinson Journal 10, no. 2 (2001): p. 42-51.

Rowe, John Carlos. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1992): 73-92.

---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1989): 63-80.

Rubin, Larry. "Dickinson's 'The Soul Selects Her Own Society'." Explicator 30 (1972).   

Rudat, Wolfgang E. H. "Dickinson and Immortality: Virgilian and Miltonic Allusions in 'Of death I try to think like this'." American Notes and Queries 16 (1978): 85-87.   

Rudden, Patricia S. "Blindness Never Brewed: A Dickinson Analogue or Nyro's 'Sweet Blindness'." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 18.1 (May 2006): 3-5.

Ruddick, Nicholas. "'Synaesthesia' in Emily Dickinson's Poetry." Poetics Today 5.1 (1984): 59-78.

---. "Dickinson's 'Banish Air from Air-'." Explicator 40.4 (Summer 1982): 31-33.   

---. "'The color of a queen, is This...': The Significance of Purple in Emily Dickinson's Poetry." Massachusetts Studies in English 7-8.4-1 (1981): 88-98.   

Runzo, Sandra. "Emily Dickinson's American Museum." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 51.4 [201] (2005): 277-304.

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Sharma, Maya Manju. "Poetry and Meditation: The Education of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 44.12 (June 1984): 3687A-3688a.

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---, and Candice Ward. "Special Issue: Emily Dickinson." Massachusetts Studies in English 7-8.4-1 (1981).   

Shurbutt, S. "ED: A Poet the Product of Her Age." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 33 (1978): 26-34.   

Shurbutt, Sylvia Bailey. "A Developing Self as Revealed through the Royalty Imagery in the Poems and Letters of Emily Dickinson." American Transcendental Quarterly: A Journal of New England Writers 42 (1979): 167-176.   

Shurin, Aaron. "A Thing unto Myself: The Unromantic Self and Gender in the Third Person." Code of Signals: Recent Writing in Poetics. 185-196. Berkeley: North Atlantic, 1983.

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Siegfried, Regina, A.S.C. "Bibliographic Essay: Selected Criticism for ED's Religious Background." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 52 (1984): 32-53.

Sielke, Sabine. "'Rowing in Eden' and Related Waterway Adventures: Seaward Visions in American Women's Writing." The Sea and the American Imagination. 111-134. Tübingen, Germany: Stauffenburg, 2004.

---. "Dickinson's Threshold Glances: Or, Putting the Subject on Edge." The Emily Dickinson Journal 5.2 (1996): 93-99.

Simic, Charles. "Visionaries and Anti-Visionaries." Denver Quarterly 24.1 (Summer 1989): 114-123.

---. "Chinese Boxes and Puppet Theaters." Ironwood 28 (1986): 104-105.

Simon, Maurya. "Poem 271." Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 16.1-2 (1989): 35-37.

---. "Poem 1651." Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 16.1-2 (1989): 185-187.

Simpson, Jeffrey. "The Dependent Self: ED and Friendship." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 45 (June 1983): 35-42.   

Simpson, Paul ed. “Grounded Spaces: Deictic -Self Anaphors in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson.” Language and Literature  6.1: 7–28. Abbreviated version: 2004 “Grounded Spaces in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson.” In Stylistics, London and New York: Routledge. (1997). 201-210.

Singh, Gurdit. "The Cross and the Crown: Emily Dickinson, an Interpretation." Variations on American Literature. 21-25. New Delhi: U.S. Educ. Foundation in India, 1968.   

Singley, Carol J. "Reaching Lonely Heights: Sarah Orne Jewett, Emily Dickinson, and Female Initiation." Colby Library Quarterly 22.1 (Mar. 1986): 75-82.
Sletto, Arlo Duane. “Emily Dickinson’s Poetry: The Fascicles.” Diss. University of New Mexico, 1975.

---. "Emily Dickinson's Poetry: The Fascicles." Dissertation Abstracts International 36 (1975): 3719A.   

Sloan, Gary. "Beholder's Eye: Emily Dickinson: Pagan Sphinx." Potpourri: A Magazine of the Literary Arts 13.3 (2001): 31-36.

Slote, Bernice. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1974): 61-74.   

---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship:An Annual:1972. 59-72. Durham, N.C.: Duke U.P, 1974.   

---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1973): 85-98.  

---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship:An Annual:1971. 59-74. Durham, N.C.: Duke U.P, 1973.     

---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship:An Annual:1970. 55-76. Durham, N.C.: Duke U.P, 1972.   

---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship:An Annual:1969. 56-76. Durham, N.C.: Duke U.P, 1971.   

Small, Judy Jo, and Paul Crumbley. "In Tribute to Everett Emerson." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 15.2 (Nov. 2003): 14.

---. "Full as Opera: Emily Dickinson's Rhyme." Dissertation Abstracts International 47.8 (Feb. 1987): 3042A-3042A.

Smidt, Aagot Karner. "Emily Dickinson." Vinduet 25 (1961): 220-223.   

Smith, Grover. "Dickinson's A Route of Evanescence." Explicator 7 (1949).   

Smith, Lorrie. "Some See God and Live: Dickinson's Later Mysticism." American Transcendental Quarterly 1.4 (Dec. 1987): 302-309.

Smith, Martha Nell . "Emily Scissorhands: Reading Dickinson Reading." Variants: The Journal of the European Society for Textual Scholarship 2-3 (2004): 279-291.

---. "Susan & Emily Dickinson: Their Lives, in Letters," Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson, ed. Wendy Martin (Cambridge U P, 2002), 51-73.

---. "Computing: What's American Literary Study Got to Do with IT?" American Literature, 74.4 (December 2002):p833-857. Contains substantial Dickinson content with an argument for working more collaboratively.

---."Les Omissions ne Sont pas des Accidents: Ratures et Cancellations dans les Manuscrits d'Emily Dickinson." La Literature a Ses Limites: Genese, Censure, Autocensure, Textes Rassemblees et Presentes, par Claire Bustarret et Catherine Viollet (Textes et Manuscrits, Editions du C.N.R.S., 2002).

---. "Susan and Emily Dickinson: Their Lives in Letters." The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson. Ed. Martin, Wendy. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.

---, and Clare Brant. "Suppressing the Books of Susan in Emily Dickinson." Epistolary Histories: Letters, Fiction, Culture. 101-125. Charlottesville, VA: UP of Virginia, 2000.

---. "Electronic Resources on Emily Dickinson." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 12.2 (Nov. 2000): 13.

---, and Ellen Louise Hart. "On Franklin's Gifts and Ghosts". Emily Dickinson Journal 8, no. 2 (1999): p. 24-38.

---. "Because the Plunge from the Front Overturned Us: The Dickinson Electronic Archives Project." Studies in the Literary Imagination 32:1 (Spring 1999): 133-51.

---. "'Open Me Carefully': Emily's Book for Susan." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 10.1 (May 1998): 12.

---. "Dickinson's Manuscripts." The Emily Dickinson Handbook. 113-137. Amherst, MA: U of Massachusetts P, 1998.

---. "Corporealizations of Dickinson and Interpretive Machines." The Iconic Page in Manuscript, Print, and Digital Culture, ed. George Bornstein & Theresa Tinkle. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan P, 1997.

---. "The Belle of the Belle of Amherst." Harvard Gay & Lesbian Review 3.1 (Fall 1996): 25-27.

---. "The Poet as Cartoonist: Pictures Sewed to Words." Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical Essays. 225-239. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1996.

---. "A Hypermedia Archive of Dickinson's Creative Work, Part II: Musings on The Screen and The Book." The Emily Dickinson Journal 5.2 (1996): 18-25.

---. "Worlds of Possibility." Profils Américains 8 (1996): 159-171.

---. "The Importance of a Hypermedia Archive of Dickinson's Creative Work." The Emily Dickinson Journal IV.1 (1995): 75-85.

---. "Whitman & Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1994): 63-92.

---. "Gender Issues in Textual Editing of Emily Dickinson." Women’s Studies Quarterly 19, nos. 3 and 4 (Fall/Winter 1991): 78-111.

---. "Not Each in Isolation." H. D. Newsletter 2.1 (Spring 1988): 48-51.

---. "To Fill a Gap." San Jose Studies 13, no. 3 (1987): 3-25.

---. "'Rowing in Eden': Gender and the Poetics of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 47.1 (July 1986): 183A-183A.

---. "Dickinson Electronic Archives." (n.d.).   

---. "The Civil War, Class & the Dickinsons." (n.d.).   

Smith, Rob McClure. "Billy Collins Takes Off Emily Dickinson's Clothes." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 13.1 (May 2001): 6.

--- . “Dickinson and the Masochistic Aesthetic.” The Emily Dickinson Journal 7.2 (1998): 1–21.

---. "Reading Seductions: Dickinson, Rhetoric, and the Male Reader." Dickinson and Audience. 105-131. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P, 1996.

---. "'He Asked If I Was His': The Seductions of Emily Dickinson." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 40.1 (1st Quarter 1994): 27-65.

---. "'The Show is Not the Show': Rhetorics of Seduction in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 53.2 (Aug. 1992): 499A-500a.

Smith, Russell St. Clair. "Emily Dickinson: A Bibliographical Note." Notes and Queries 193 (1948): 188-189.   

Smith, Susan B. "'Radical Dualism': Emily Dickinson and Margaret Fuller." Higginson Journal 45 (1986): 31-41.

Smith, Susan Margaret Belasco. "The Extension of Self-Culture: Margaret Fuller and Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 48.6 (Dec. 1987): 1456A-1456A.

Snider, Clifton. "Emily Dickinson and Shamanism: 'A Druidic Difference'." San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal 14.4 (1996): 33-64.

Socarides, Alexandra. "Rethinking the Fascicles: Dickinson's Writing, Copying, and Binding Practices." Emily Dickinson Journal 15.2 (2006): 69-94.

Sohn, Youngmi. "The Challenge of Temporality: The Time Poems of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 54.4 (Oct. 1993): 1370A-1370A.

Solaro, Barbara C. "The Divided Consciousness of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 47.8 (Feb. 1987): 3042A-3042A.

Soler, William G. "Two Variants of John Dickinson's 'Ode, on the French Revolution'." Notes and Queries 198 (1953): 63-64.   

Son, Hyesook. "Alterity and the Lyric: Heidegger, Levinas, and Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 63.6 (Dec. 2002): 2245-2245.

Sonntag, Carla S. "Epilepsy and Thomas Carlyle." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 35 (1979): 23-34.   

Sorensen, Jean Whiteside. "Pious Irreverence: Emily Dickinson's Engagement with Tradition." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 60.4 (Oct. 1999): 1137-1137.

Soule, George H., Jr. "Emily Dickinson and the Robin." Essays in Literature 9.1 (Spring 1982): 67-82.   

---., Jr. "ED and Jacob: 'Pugilist and Poet' Wrestling to the Dawn." Emily Dickinson Bulletin 31 (1977): 50-58.   

Sousa Coelho, Maria Luisa de. "Dickinson's ' 'Tis Little I -- Could Care for Pearls' " Explicator 60, no. 3 (2002 Spring): p. 140-143.

Spahr, Juliana. "A, B, C: Reading against Emily Dickinson and Gertrude Stein." A Poetics of Criticism. 281-292. Buffalo: Leave, 1994.

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Spencer, Benjamin T. "Criticism: Centrifugal and Centripetal." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 8 (1966): 139-154.   

Spicer, John L. "The Poems of Emily Dickinson." Boston Public Library Quarterly 8(July 1956): 135-143.

Spies, Lina. "Lewe my vers? Die jong digter se roep om leiding-'n blywende behoefte." Tydskrif vir Letterkunde 24.1 (Feb. 1986): 39-56.

Spring, Suzanne B. "Forming Letters: Mount Holyoke, Emily Dickinson, and Nineteenth-Century Epistolary Compositions." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 66.9 (Mar. 2006): 3292-3292.

Springer, Marlene. "Emily Dickinson's Humorous Road to Heaven." Renascence: Essays on Value in Literature 23 (1971): 129-136.   

St. Armand, Barton Levi. "The Art of Peace." Emily Dickinson: A Collection of Critical Essays. 163-172. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1996.

---. "Emily Dickinson and The Indicator: A Transcendental Frolic." The Emily Dickinson Journal 2.2 (1993): 78-96.

---. "'Looking at Death, is Dying': Understanding Dickinson's Morbidity." Approaches to Teaching Dickinson’s Poetry. 155-163. New York: Mod. Lang. Assn. of Amer., 1989.

---. "Fine Fitnesses: Dickinson, Higginson, and Literary Luminism." Prospects: An Annual Journal of American Cultural Studies 14 (1989): 141-173.

---. "'Your Prodigal': Letters from Ned Dickinson, 1879-1885." New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 61.3 (Sep. 1988): 358-380.

---. “Veiled Ladies: Dickinson, Bettine, and Transcendental Mediumship.” Studies in the American Renaissance (1987): 1–51.

---. “Emily Dickinson and the Occult: The Rosicrucian Connection.” Prairie Schooner 51 (1977–78): 345–57.

---. "Emily Dickinson at Yale: Recent Biography and Criticism." Michigan Quarterly Review 16 (1977): 83-93.   

---. "Emily Dickinson's American Grotesque: The Poet as Folk Artist." Topic: A Journal of the Liberal Arts 31 (1977): 3-19.   

---. "Emily Dickinson's 'Babes in the Wood': A Ballad Reborn." Journal of American Folklore 90.358 (Oct. 1977): 430-441.   

---. "Paradise Deferred: The Image of Heaven in the Work of Emily Dickinson and Elizabeth Stuart Phelps." American Quarterly 29 (1977): 55-78.   

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---, and George Monteiro. "On Behalf of Emily: Dickinson Letters and Documents (1891-1892)." Resources for American Literary Study 6 (1976): 191-198.   

---. "In the American Manner: An Inquiry into the Aesthetics of Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allan Poe." Dissertation Abstracts: Section A. Humanities and Social Science 30 (1969): 294A-294A.   

Stambovsky, Phillip. "Emily Dickinson's 'The Last Night That She Lived': Explorations of a Witnessing Spirit." Concerning Poetry 19 (1986): 87-93.

Stamm, Edith Perry. "Emily Dickinson: Poetry and Punctuation." Saturday Review 46 (30 Mar. 1963): 26.   

Starke, Aubrey. "Emily Dickinson as a Great Unknown." American Book Collector 5 (1934): 245-250.   

Staub, Michael E. "White Moth and Ox: The Friendship of ED with H. H. Jackson." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 68 (1988): 17-25.

---. "A Dickinson Diagnosis." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 54 (1984): 43-46.

Steele, Charles R. "Heaped Words in the Void: Some Recent Dickinson Criticism." Canadian Review of American Studies/Revue Canadienne d'Etudes Americaines 15.1 (Spring 1984): 63-71.

Stefanelli, Maria Anita. "Dickinson on Stage." Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 31.6 (Nov. 2002): 785-793.

Steger, Cecelia Hesney. "Phonological Patterning and Syntactic Structure in the Literary Criticism for Fifteen Poems by Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 38 (1978): 6126A-6126A.   

Stein, Nancy Rachel. "Shifting the Ground: Four Anmerican Women Writers' Revisions of Nature, Gender, and Race." Dissertation Abstracts International 55.7 (Jan. 1995): 1972A-1972A.

Stein, William B. "Emily Dickinson's Parodic Masks." University Review 36 (1969): 49-55.   

Steinbrink, Jeffrey. "Emily Dickinson and Sylvia Plath: The Values of Mortality." Women & Literature 4.1 (1976): 45-48.   

Steiner, Dorothea. "Emily Dickinson: Image Patterns and the Female Imagination." Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik 6.1 (1981): 57-71.   

Stephenson, William E. "Emily Dickinson and Watts's Songs for Children." English Language Notes 3 (1966): 278-281.   

Stewart, Susan. "Some Thoughts about Dickinson's 'Dont put up my Thread & Needle'." Emily Dickinson Journal 15.2 (2006): 58-65.

Stewart, Veronica Jane. "Emily Dickinson and the Rhetoric of Conversion." Dissertation Abstracts International 51.11 (May 1991): 3747A-3747A.

Stitt, Peter. "Sex, Poetry, Insurance, and the Truth about Emily Dickinson." Gettysburg Review 12.3 (Autumn 1999).

Stonum, Gary Lee. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1991): 73-85.

---. "Dickinson against the Sublime." University of Dayton Review 19.1 (1987-1988 Winter 1987): 31-37.

Stoneley, Peter. “‘I – Pay – in Satin Cash –’: Commerce, Gender, and Display in Emily Dickinson’s Poetry.” American Literature 72 (2000): 575–94.

Stonum, Gary Lee. "Dickinson's Literary Background." The Emily Dickinson Handbook. 44-60. Amherst, MA: U of Massachusetts P, 1998.

---. "Whitman & Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1992): 65-77.

Stout, Janis. "Breaking Out: The Journey of the American Woman Poet." North Dakota Quarterly 56.1 (Winter 1988): 40-53.

Strait, Daniel Harrison. "The Work of Community: Solitude, Service, and Experience in Selected Prose and Poetry of George Herbert and Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 59.11 (May 1999): 4135-4135.

Strickland, Georgiana. "Emily Dickinson's Philadelphia." Emily Dickinson Journal 13.2 (2004): 79-115.

---. "'In Praise of 'Ramona': Emily Dickinson and Helen Hunt Jackson's Indian Novel." Emily Dickinson Journal 9.2 (2000): 120-133.

---. "Emily Dickinson's Colorado." Emily Dickinson Journal 8.1 (1999): 1-23.

Stronks, James B. "Addenda to the Bibliographies of Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allan Poe." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 71 (1977): 360-362.   

Sudol, Ronald A. "Elegy and Immortality: Emily Dickinson's 'Lay this Laurel on the One'." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 26 (1980): 10-15.   

---. "Elegy in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 37 (1976): 1557A.   

Sullivan, David. " 'Companions are Horizons': 'I,' 'You,' Robin Blaser, and Emily Dickinson." Sagetrieb: A Journal Devoted to Poets in the Imagist/Objectivist Tradition, 17, no. 1-2&3 (2002): p. 97-123. Compares work by Blaser with Dickinson.

---. "Suing Sue: Emily Dickinson Addressing Susan Gilbert." The Emily Dickinson Journal 5.1 (1996): 45-70.

---. "Running the 'Double Risk': Emily Dickinson Fleeing the Worm's Secretions." The Emily Dickinson Journal 5.2 (1996): 190-196.

---. "Facing the Second Person: Emily Dickinson, Killarney Clary." Dissertation Abstracts International 56.1 (July 1995): 195A-195A.

Sumner, Nan, and Nathan Sumner. "A Dickinson--James Parallel." Research Studies 39 (1971): 144-147.   

Susko, Mario. "Unutarnja gravitacija Emily Dickinson." Kolo 15 (1970): 143-170.   

Swyderski, Ann. "Dickinson's Enchantment: The Barrett Browning Fascicles." Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations 7.1 (Apr. 2003): 76-98.

---. "Dickinson and 'That Foreign Lady-'." Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations 4.1 (Apr. 2000): 51-65.

Szabo, Lynda A. "America in the Making: History and the Hybrid Poetics of Emily Dickinson, Gertrude Stein, and William Carlos Williams." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 59.12 (June 1999): 4430-4431.

Tackes, George A. "Dickinson's 'He Put the Belt around My Life'." Explicator 42.1 (Fall 1983): 26-27.   

Takacs, K. Linnea. "ED: the Sensual Observer." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 83 (1992): 19-37.

---. "Amatory Strains: Erotic Love in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti." Dissertation Abstracts International 49.7 (Jan. 1989): 1794A-1795a.

Takeda, Masako, and Margaret H. Freeman. “Art, Science, and Ste. Emilie’s Sunsets: A Háj-inspired Cognitive Approach to Translating an Emily Dickinson Poem into Japanese.” With Masako Takeda. Festschrift for John Robert Ross. Style 40.1-2 (2006): 109-127. [A sloop of amber]

---. "Son of Ecstasy." Metamorphoses: Journal of the Five-College Seminar on Literary Translation 7.1 (Winter 1998): 19-29.

---. "Translating 'There's a Certain Slant of Light' into Japanese." Emily Dickinson Journal 6.2 (1997): 56-61.

---. "A Japanese Translation of 'Because I Could Not Stop for Death'." Emily Dickinson Journal 6.2 (1997): 127-132.

---. "A Commentary on the Japanese Translation." Metamorphoses: Journal of the Five-College Seminar on Literary Translation 3.1 (Dec. 1994): 48-53.

---, and Gregory Farmer. "The Evergreens: The Other Dickinson House." Massachusetts Review: A Quarterly of Literature, the Arts and Public Affairs 34.4 (1993-1994 Winter 1993): 545-564.

---. "'After Great Pain, a Formal Feeling Comes--': The Problems of Translating Dickinson's 'Poetry' into Contemporary Japanese 'Verse'." The Emily Dickinson Journal 2.2 (1993): 153-159.

---. "Emily Dickinson in Japan." The Single Hound: The Poetry and Image of Emily Dickinson 1.1 (May 1989): 8-11.

Talbot, Norman. "The Child, the Actress, and Miss Emily Dickinson." Southern Review: Literary and Interdisciplinary Essays 5 (1972): 102-123.   

Tan, Dali. "Exploring the Intersection between Gender and Culture: Rereading Li Qingzhao and Emily Dickinson from a Comparative Perspective." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 58.11 (May 1998): 4263-4263.

---. "Negotiating Cultural and Linguistic Differences in Translation through Transformation." Emily Dickinson Journal 6.2 (1997): 50-55.

---. "Can Poems Be Translated? Reflections on Poetry Translation and Translating Emily Dickinson into Chinese." Emily Dickinson Journal 6.2 (1997): 151-157.

Tanner, Stephen L. "Emily Dickinson and the Psychoanalyst." University of Dayton Review 19.1 (1987-1988 Winter 1987): 103-109.

Tanselle, G. Thomas. "Emily Dickinson as an Editorial Problem." Raritan: A Quarterly Review 19, no. 4 (2000 Spring): p. 64-79.

Tanter, Marcy. "Marilyn Nelson Celebrates Emily Dickinson." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 12.2 (Nov. 2000): 4-5.

---. "'Behind the Wall of Sense': Emily Dickinson and Her Nineteenth-Century British Writers." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 57.7 (Jan. 1997): 3025-3025.

Tappmeyer, Linda D. "Theatricality in Emily Dickinson." Publications of the Missouri Philological Association 17 (1992): 16-21.

Taubman, Dzhein. "Pauza v zhenskoi rechi: Tire u Emili Dikinson i Mariny Tsvetaevoi." Literaturnoe Obozrenie: Zhurnal Khudozhestvennoi Literatury, Kritiki i Bibliografii 11-12 (1992): 37-41.

---. "Tire u Emili Dikinson i Mariny Tsvetaevoi: Pauza vnutri stikhotvoreniia." Marina Tsvetaeva, 1892-1992. 206-218. Northfield, VT: Russian School, Norwich University, 1992.

Taylor, Carole Anne. "Kierkegaard and the Ironic Voices of Emily Dickinson." Journal of English and Germanic Philology 77 (1978): 569-581.   

Taylor, Estelle W. "Shakespeare's Use of Assimilated Forms of Has and Is." Higginson Journal of Poetry 1.4 (1972): 53-55.   

Taylor, Linda J. "Form, Process, and the Dialectic of Self-Construction: 'After Great Pain' and Three Modern Poems." University of Dayton Review 19.1 (1987-1988 Winter 1987): 91-101.

---. "Shakespeare and Circumference: Dickinson's Hummingbird and the The Tempest." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 23 (1977): 252-261.  

Taylor, Marcella. "Androgyny in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 5.3-4 (Aug. 1984): 131-144.

---. "Shaman Motifs in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 38 (1980): 1-11.     

---. "Polarity and Resolution: The Fiction-Making Process of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 37 (1977): 5130A-5130A.   

Taylor, Sheila C. "Emily Dickinson Annual Bibliography for 1973." Emily Dickinson Bulletin 26 (1974): 93-101.   

---. "Emily Dickinson: Annual Bibliography for 1973, 1974, 1975." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 26 (1974): 93-101;.   

Teichert, Marilyn C. "The Divine Adversary: The Image of God in Three ED Poems." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 46 (1983): 21-26.   

Telfer, Terry. "A Religious Context for ED's Poetry." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 73 (1990): 37-52.

Temple, Judy Nolte. "Emily Dickinson's Country Kin: Variorum Diarist Emily Hawley Gillespie." A/B: Auto/Biography Studies 17.1 (Summer 2002): 81-100.

---. "'They Shut Me Up in Prose': A Cautionary Tale of Two Emilys." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 22.1 (2001): 150-173.

Tenenbaum, R. Betsy. "Varieties of 'Extremity' in E.D.'s Poetry." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 32 (1977): 119-121.   

Terris, Virginia R. "ED's White Frock: A Further Suggestion." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 28 (1975): 127-128.   

---. "Emily Dickinson and the Genteel Critics." Dissertation Abstracts International 34 (1973): 1257A.   

"The ED Death Centennial Conferences, Publication, etc." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 62 (1987): 19-44.

Theune, Michael. "'One and One Are One'...and Two: An Inquiry into Dickinson's Use of Mathematical Signs." Emily Dickinson Journal 10.1 (2001): 99-116.

Thomas, Heather Kirk. "Emily Dickinson's 'Renunciation' and Anorexia Nervosa." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 60.2 (May 1988): 205-225.

Thomas, Jeanette M. "Emerson's Influence on Two of ED's Poems." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 41 (Dec. 1981): 38-42.   

Thomas, Mary Jo. "Articulation and the Agoraphobic Experience in the Poems of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 51.4 (Oct. 1990): 1232A-1232A.

Thomas, Owen. "Father and Daughter: Edward and Emily Dickinson." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 40.4 (Jan. 1969): 510-523.   

---., Jr. "Dickinson's 'So Glad We Are'." Explicator 18 (1959).   

Thompson, Maurice. “Miss Dickinson’s Poems.” America 5 (8 January 1891): 425. Rpt. in Emily Dickinson’s Reception in the 1890s: A Documentary History. Ed. Willis J. Buckingham. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 1989. 94–98.

Thompson-Rizzo, Patricia. "Emily Dickinson: Modernism and Beyond." Anglistica e ...: Metodi e percorsi comparatistici nelle lingue, culture e letterature di origine europea, I: Transiti letterari e culturali; II: Transiti linguistici e culturali. 105. Trieste, Italy: Università di Trieste, 1999.

Thorsell, Marta Dahlgren. "Relevance and the Translation of Poetry." Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses 11 (Nov. 1998): 23-32.

Thota, Anand Rao. "Play in Dickinson." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 46 (1983): 39-41.   

---. Foreward by Satyanarain Singh. Emily Dickinson: The Metaphysical Tradition. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities, 1982.

Thundyil, Zacharias. "Circumstance, Circumference, and Center: Immanence and Transcendence in Emily Dickinson's Poems of Extreme Situations." Hartford Studies in Literature 3 (1971): 73-92.   

Tilma-Dekkers, E. M. "Immortality in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Dutch Quarterly Review of Anglo-American Letters 8 (1978): 162-182.   

Timmerman, John. "God and Image of God in J. 609: A Brief Analysis." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 28 (1975): 124-126.   

Tingley, Stephanie A. "'My Business Is to Sing': Emily Dickinson's Letters to Elizabeth Holland." Dickinson and Audience. 181-199. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P, 1996.

---. "'A Letter Is a Joy of Earth': Emily Dickinson's Letters and Victorian Epistolary Conventions." The Emily Dickinson Journal 5.2 (1996): 202-208.

---. "'My friends are very few': The Influence of Emily Dickinson's Select Contemporary Audience on Her Poetry." Dissertation Abstracts International 48.7 (Jan. 1988): 1771A-1771A.

Todd, John E. "The Persona in Emily Dickinson's Love Poems." Michigan Academician: Papers of the MichiganAcademy of Science, Arts, and Letters 1.1-2 (1969): 197-207. 

---. "Emily Dickinson's Use of the Persona." Dissertation Abstracts 26 (1965): 3309-3310.      

---. "Emily Dickinson's Literary Début." Harper’s Magazine 160 (1930): 463-471.   

Todorova, Emilija. "Pisma do Tomas Higinson." Razgledi: Spisanie za Literatura Umetnost i Kultura 8-9 (Oct. 1983): 992-1006.

---. "Pismata na Emili Dikinson." Razgledi: Spisanie za Literatura Umetnost i Kultura 8-9 (Oct. 1983): 1007-1010.

Toegel, Edith Maria. "Emily Dickinson and Annette von Droste-Hülshoff: Poets as Women." Dissertation Abstracts International 41.11 (May 1981): 4706A-4707a.   

Tolles, Frederick B. "Light on John Dickinson." Friends’ Intelligencer 104 (01 Feb. 1947): 56-56.   

Torlasco, Domietta. "Traduzione e strategie di 'gender': Le metafore della morte nella poesia di Emily Dickinson." Versus: Quaderni di Studi Semiotici 76 (Jan. 1997): 73-94.

Towheed, M. O. "The Wit of Emily Dickinson." Banasthali Patrika 11 (July 1968): 20-30.  

Travis, Mildred K. "Dickinson's 'Of God we ask one favor'." Explicator 40.1 (Fall 1981): 31-32.   

Tripp, Raymond P., Jr. "Thoreau, Dickinson, and Barfield and the World as Window of Opportunity." Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 22.1-2 (Mar. 2002): 19-27.

---. "'An Experiment in Criticism': Beowulf and Emily Dickinson." In Geardagum: Essays on Old and Middle English Language and Literature 17 (1996): 59-72.

---. "A Physiological Test for Transcendentalism." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 75 (1990): 24-25.

---. "Spiritual Action in 'My Life had stood-a Loaded Gun-'." Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 25.3 (Summer 1989): 282-303.

Truchlar, Leo. "Zur Lyrik Emily Dickinsons,." 6-32 in On Poets & Poetry: A Symposium from the Department of English at the University of Salzburg. (PD 27.). Salzburg: Inst. fur eng. Sprache & Lit., Univ. Salzburg, 1974.   

Trueblood, Charles K. "Emily Dickinson." Dial 80 (1926): 301-311.   

Tselentis-Apostolidis, Persephone. "And I Will Be Socrates: Greek Elements in the Poetry of Dickinson." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 52 (1984): 3-21.

Tsur, Reuven. "Metaphor and Figure-Ground Relationship: Comparisons from Poetry, Music, and the Visual Arts." PSYART: A Hyperlink Journal for the Psychological Study of the Arts 4 (2000).

Tsuri, Nobuko. "Amerika Runessansu to Dickinson." Eibungaku to no Deai. 45-59. Kyoto: Showado, 1983.   

---. "Kieru Enshu." Eibungaku to no Deai. 57-68. Kyoto: Showado, 1983.   

---. "Soshitsu kara Kurayami no Enshu e." Eibungaku to no Deai. 49-57. Kyoto: Showado, 1983.   

Tufariello, Catherine. "'The Remembering Wine': Emerson's Influence on Whitman and Dickinson." The Cambridge Companion to Ralph Waldo Emerson. 162-191. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 1999.

---. "Language Experiments: Whitman, Dickinson, and the Poetics of Allusion." Dissertation Abstracts International 54.12 (June 1994): 4444A.

Tugwell, Simon, O.P. "Dickinson's 'The Soul Elects Her Own Society'." Explicator 27 (1969).   

---. "Notes on Two Poems by Emily Dickinson." Notes and Queries 13 (1966): 342-343.   

---. "Dickinson's 'The Crickets Sang'." Explicator 23 (1965).   

Turco, Lewis. "Iron Pyrites in the Dickinson Mine." The Emily Dickinson Journal 4.1 (1995): 108-117.

---. "Three Poems on Lines from Emily Dickinson's Letters." Centennial Review 27.3 (Summer 1983): 186-187.   

Ujszászi, Zsuzsanna. "Chances of Equivalence in Translating 'To Pile Like Thunder to It's Close' into Hungarian." Emily Dickinson Journal 6.2 (1997): 172-176.

Ungar, Barbara Louise. "The Male Muse." Dissertation Abstracts International 56.3 (Sep. 1995): 936A-936A.

Uno, Hiroko. "Dikinsun kara Sutibensu e: Pyuritanizumu to kagakuseishin." Kobe Jogakuin Daigaku Kenkyujo Yakuin/KobeCollege Studies 47.3 [139] (Mar. 2001): 36-55.

---. “Geology in Emily Dickinson's Poetry.” Kobe Jogakuin Daigaku Kenkyujo Yakuin/KobeCollege Studies 48, no. 2 (141) (2001 Dec): p. 1-25.

---. "'Chemical Conviction': Dickinson, Hitchcock and the Poetry of Science." Emily Dickinson Journal 7.2 (1998): 95-111.

---. "Two Emily Dickinsons." William Carlos Williams Newsletter 5.1 (1979): 20-22.

Untermeyer, Louis. "Thoughts after a Centenary." Saturday Review of Literature 7 (1931): 805-806.       

Upton, Lee. "Coming to God: Notes on Dickinson, Bogan, Cixous." Denver Quarterly 27.4 (Spring 1993): 83-94.

Vachliotis, Vasiliki. "Perspectives on Love in the Work of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section C: Worldwide 64.2 (2003): 290-290.

Vanderslice, John. "Dickinson's 'Behind Me-Dips Eternity'." Explicator 58.4 (Summer 2000): 195-198.

Van Deusen, Marshall. "Dickinson's 'These Are the Days when Birds Come Back'." Explicator 12 (1954).   

Van Dreel, Katrina Marie. "Settings of Emily Dickinson by American Composers." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 59.3 (Sep. 1998): 766-766.

Van Dyke, Joyce. "Inventing Emily Dickinson." Virginia Quarterly Review: A National Journal of Literature and Discussion 60.2 (1984): 276-296.

Veive, Harri, Bo Pettersson, and Merja Polvinen, eds. “Poetry as Power: The Dynamics of Cognitive Poetics as a Scientific and Literary Paradigm.” In Cognition and Literary Interpretation in Practice, 31-57. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press. [He preached opon breadth; I cannot dance].(2005).

Vendler, Helen. "Emily Dickinson Thinking." Parnassus: Poetry in Review 26.1 (2001): 34-56.

Venediktova, T. D. "Poezija Emili Dikinson: Potaennye stranicy amerikanskogo romantizma." Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Serija VII, Filologija, Zurnalistika (1980): 27-35.   

Vernon, Sean. "This and My Heart", Music CD, Amherst, MA: SnarkMusic, 2002. Original folk music settings of 18 Dickinson poems. The title comes from the lines: "It's all I have to bring today/ This and my heart beside." This is Sean Vernon's 2nd CD of Emily Dickinson's poems; the first was "Wider than the Sky" which was featured at the EDIS meeting, "Dickinson in Song," in Amherst this past July. For more information, write:

Vetock, Jeffrey J. "Dickinson's 'I would not paint-a picture-'." Explicator 61.2 (Winter 2003): 89-92.

Vetter, Lara, and Jarom McDonald. “Witnessing Dickinson’s witnesses.” Literary and Linguistic Computing, 18.2 (2003): 151–65.

--- with Martha Nell Smith. Ned's Notebook, Dickinson Electronic Archives. Online. Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH), University of Virginia. 10 December 2002. Substantial changes in 2002.
Veza, Laurette. "Emily Dickinson: Ancrage et dérive du moi." Genèse de la conscience moderne: Etudes sur le développement de la conscience de soi dans les littératures du monde occidental. 290-301. Paris: PU de France, 1983.   

Vliet, H. T. M. van. "The Introduction of Emily Dickinson in Holland and the Goals of Editing." Text: An Interdisciplinary Annual of Textual Studies 15 (2002): 211-236.
---. "Von der Übersetzung zur Intertextualität: Die Dokumentation fremder und eigener Texte in einer historisch-kritischen Edition." Editio: Internationales Jahrbuch für Editionswissenschaft/International Yearbook of Scholarly Editing/Revue Internationale des Sciences de l'Edition Critique 15 (2001): 67-85.

Voigt, Gilbert P. "The Inner Life of Emily Dickinson." College English 3.2 (Nov. 1941): 192-196.   

Von Der Heydt, Jim. "The Writer's Occupation: Dickinson and Emerson Out of Doors." ESQ: A Journal of the American Renaissance 51.4 [201] (2005): 307-339.

Von Schlegell, Mark A. "Realometer: Uncovering Discovery in American Literature." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 61.4 (Oct. 2000): 1411-1411.

Wagner, Diana, and Marcy Tanter. "New Dickinson Letter Clarifies Hale Correspondence." Emily Dickinson Journal 7.1 (1998): 110-118.

Wager, Inez. "ED's Poems in Musical Settings." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 49 (June 1984): 32-37.

Waggoner, Hyatt H. "Emily Dickinson: The Transcendent Self." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 7 (1965): 297-334.   

Wahlquist, Elizabeth. "You Don't Have To Go to Niagara To Write about Water: Robert Frost's Defense of Emily Dickinson." Literature and Belief 10 (1990): 90-102.

Wakoski, Diane. "Emily Dickinson and Robert Creeley: Maverick Writers of the Latin Lyric." New Orleans Review 19.1 (Spring 1992): 14-26.

Wald, Jane. "Fairer Houses." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 14.2 (Nov. 2002): 8.

Walker, Cheryl. "Dickinson in Context: Nineteenth-Century American Women Poets."A Historical Guide to Emily Dickinson. 175-200. Oxford, England: Oxford UP, 2004.

---. "Teaching Dickinson as a Gen(i)us: Emily among the Women." The Emily Dickinson Journal 2.2 (1993): 172-180.

---. "A Feminist Critic Responds to Recurring Student Questions about Dickinson." Approaches to Teaching Dickinson’s Poetry. 142-147. New York: Mod. Lang. Assn. of Amer., 1989.

---. "Locating a Feminist Critical Practice: Between the Kingdom and the Glory." Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 16.1-2 (1989): 9-19.

Walker, David. "Stinging Work." Field: Contemporary Poetry and Poetics 55 (Fall 1996): 14-18.

Walker, Julia M. "ED's Poetic of Private Liberation." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 45 (June 1983): 17-22.   

Walker, Nancy A. "Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)." Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook. 99-110. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997.

---. "Voice, Tone, and Persona in Dickinson's Love Poetry." Approaches to Teaching Dickinson’s Poetry. 105-112. New York: Mod. Lang. Assn. of Amer., 1989.

---. "'Wider than the sky': Public Presence and Private Self in Dickinson, James, and Woolf." The Private Self: Theory and Practice of Women's Autobiographical Writings. 272-303. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1988.

---. "On Emily Dickinson." Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 3.1-2 (1984 Spring-Fall 1984): 169-178.

---. "Review Essay: Our Emily Dickinson." Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 3.1-2 (1984 Spring-Fall 1984): 169-178.

---. "Emily Dickinson and the Self: Humor as Identity." Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 2.1 (Spring 1983): 57-68.   

---. "Reading the Poet and the Poetry: Critics and Emily Dickinson." Tulsa Studies in Women’s Literature 2.2 (Fall 1983): 229-233.    

Walker, Virginia. "The Subject of Lyric: Reading Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 56.8 (Feb. 1996): 3125A.

Wallace, Robert K., and Melissa Rae Gers. "Dickinson's Power in Student Hands." Emily Dickinson International Society Bulletin 15.1 (May 2003): 3.

Walz, Lawrence A. "Dickinson's 'Summer Has Two Beginnings'." Explicator 33 (1974).   

Wand, Martin, and Richard B. Sewall. "'Eyes Be Blind, Heart Be Still': A New Perspective on Emily Dickinson's Eye Problem." New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 52.3 (Sep. 1979): 400-406.   

Ward, Theodora. "The Finest Secret: Emotional Currents in the Life of Emily Dickinson after 1865." Harvard Library Bulletin 14 (1960): 82-106.   

---. "Ourself behind Ourself: An Interpretation of the Crisis in the Life of Emily Dickinson." Harvard Library Bulletin 10 (1956): 5-39.   

---. "Emily Dickinson and Thomas Wentworth Higginson." Boston Public Library Quarterly 5 (1953): 3-18.   

Wardrop, Daneen. "The Body's Body: Dickinson's Fashions and Amplitude." Emily Dickinson Journal 14.2 (2005): 34-47.

---. "Emily Dickinson and the Gothic in Fascicle 16." The Cambridge Companion to Emily Dickinson. Ed. Martin, Wendy. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002.

---. "The Poetics of Political Involvement and Non-Involvement." Emily Dickinson Journal 10.2 (2001): 52-67.

---. “‘That Minute Domingo’: Dickinson’s Cooptation of Abolitionist Diction and Franklin’s Variorum Edition.” Emily Dickinson Journal 8.2 (1999): 72–86.

---. "Emily Dickinson's Gothic Wedding: Dowered Bride and Absent Groom." American Transcendental Quarterly 10.2 (June 1996): 91-110.

---. "'Goblin with a Gauge': Dickinson's Readerly Gothic." The Emily Dickinson Journal 1.1 (1992): 39-53.

---. "Goblin with a Gauge: Language and Gothicism in the Poetry of Emily Dickinson." Dissertation Abstracts International 52.5 (Nov. 1991): 1750A-1750A.

Wargacki, John P. "Dickinson's 'A Little East of Jordan': Jacob the 'God-Fighter'." Explicator 65.3 (Spring 2007): 154-157.

Warren, Austin. "Emily Dickinson." Sewanee Review 65 (1957): 565-586.   

Watanabe, Shinji. "Emily Dickinson, '712': Ren'aishi to shite yomu." Eigo Seinen/Rising Generation 149.8 (Nov. 2003): 484-485.

Watters, David H. "Emerson, Dickinson, and the Atomic Self." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 32 (1977): 122-134.   

Waugh, Dorothy. "A Dickinson Delay." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 78 (1991): 22-26.

---. "Dickinson's 'Those Not Live Yet'." Explicator 25 (1957).   

Wegelin, Christof. "Dickinson's 'Wild Nights'." Explicator 26 (1967).   

Weisbuch, Robert. “Prisming Dickinson, or Gathering Paradise by Letting Go.” The Emily Dickinson Handbook. Ed. G. Grabher, R. Hagenbüchle, and C. Miller. Amherst, MA: U of Massachusetts P, 1998. 197–223.

---. "Nobody's Business: Dickinson's Dissolving Audience." Dickinson and Audience. 57-76. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P, 1996.

---. "Whitman and Dickinson." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (1983): 79-96.   

---. "Compound Vision: Emily Dickinson's Poetic Strategies and Patterns." Dissertation Abstracts International 33 (1973): 3680A-3680A.   

Weissman, Judith. "'Transport's working classes': Sanity, Sex, and Solidarity in Dickinson's Late Poetry." Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought 29.4 (Summer 1988): 407-424.

Welland, Dennis S. R. "Emily Dickinson and Her 'Letter to the World'." The Great Experiment in American Literature: Six Lectures. 53-78. , .   

Wells, Anna Mary. "Emily Dickinson, 1849." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 73 (1990): 23-30.

---. "On Emily Dickinson." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 51 (1984): 17-19.

---. "Note on Higginson's Reputation." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), U.S. Poet 51 (1984): 20-21.

---. "ED Forgeries." Dickinson Studies: Emily Dickinson (1830-86), US Poet 35 (1979): 12-16.   

---. "Was Emily Dickinson Psychotic?." American Imago: Studies in Psychoanalysis and Culture 19 (1962): 309-321.   

---. "Early Criticism of Emily Dickinson." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 1.3 (Nov. 1929): 243-259.   

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Werner, Marta L. "Emily Dickinson's Futures: Enjambment Degree Zero." Jubilat 11 (2006): 102-119.

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The editors wish to thank Margaret Freeman and Sarah Whitworth for their contributions to this Dynamic Bibliography and welcome suggestions from readers/users.

Copyright 2007 by Martha Nell Smith, all rights reserved
Maintained by Rebecca Mooney <>