letters from dickinson to austin dickinson

2 April 1853

Dear Austin.

I rather thought from your letter to me that my essays, together with the Lectures at Cambridge, were rather too much for you, so I thought I would let you have a little vacation; but you must have got rested now, so I shall renew the series. Father was very severe to me; he thought I'd been trifling with you, so he gave me quite a trimming about "Uncle Tom" and "Charles Dickens" and those "modern Literati" who he says are nothing, compared to past generations, who flourished when he was a boy. Then he said there were "somebody's rev-e-ries," he did'nt know whose they were, that he thought were very ridiculous, so I'm quite in disgrace at present, but I think of that "pinnacle" on which you always mount, when anybody insults you, and that's quite a comfort to me.

We are all pretty well at home, and it seems a great while, Austin, since we have heard from you. The correspondence from "Oliver" did'nt seem to say a great deal of how you were getting along, or of yourself, at Cambridge, and I am waiting patiently for one of those grand old letters you used to send us when you first went away.

I have got a nice cake of Sugar, to send you by Mr Green, and shall put in some big, sound Apples, if there is any room. Vinnie would have written you this week, but has had quite a cold, which settled in her eyes, and she has not used them much. She will write you the first of next week. Vinnie and Sue walked down to mill yesterday. Sue comes down here most every day [one line erased]. Emily Fowler spent yesterday afternoon here. She inquired for you. The girls "Musical" met here on Tuesday evening, and we had as pleasant a time as could have been expected, in view of the individuals composing the society. Dr Brewster was in town yesterday, and took tea here. He asked a great deal about you, and said he was going to write you to come down and make him a visit. I told him I "presumed you'd go." Mary Aiken is in town with her children, and is going to stay a fortnight. I wonder she did'nt wait, and meet you here in May. Thurston and Benjamin are in town on a visit.

Rufus Cowles gave us a call last evening. He is quite a young man! Mr Godfrey's folks have gone, and Mr and Mrs Pierce have moved into the house. The second generation spend most of their time in our door yard.

This is all the news I can think of, but there is one old story, Austin, which you may like to hear - it is that we think about you the whole of the livelong day, and talk of you when we're together, and [several words erased] of the golden link which binds us all together.

And you can recollect when you are busy studying, that those of us [at] home not so hard at work as you are, get much time to be with you. We all send our love to you, and hope you will be very careful, and take good care of yourself.


That was a "grand old letter," Austin, and I shall answer it soon, but I cannot today, for I feel more like writing that little note of mine, and talking to you.

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Maintained by Lara Vetter <lvetter@uncc.edu>
Last updated on February 25, 2008