letters from dickinson to charles h. clark

late February 1884

Dear friend -

I hoped it might gratify you to meet the little flower which was my final ministry to your Brother, and which even in that faint hour, I trust he recognized, though the thronged Spirit had not access to words.

These are my first out, and their golden trifles are too full of association to remain unshared. With faithful thought of yourself and your Brother, Brothers in bereavement even as myself.

thomas johnson's note on letter 884 | index to dickinson/c. clark letters

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Commentary copyright 1998 by Martha Nell Smith, all rights reserved
Maintained by
Lara Vetter <lvetter@uncc.edu>
Geoffrey Saunders Schramm <gschramm@wam.umd.edu>
Laura Elyn Lauth <lauraelyn@aol.com>
Amy Cowen <acybercow@bigfoot.com>

Last updated on February 25, 2008