letters from dickinson to jane humphrey

Thomas Johnson's Note on Letter 35

MANUSCRIPT: HCL (JH 1). Ink. Dated: Amherst. April 3d. 1850. Unpublished.

Jane Humphrey had been compelled to resign her teaching position at Warren and return home because of the serious illness of her father, who died on the day this letter was written (see letter no. 36). Mrs. Brewster was the wife of John Milton Brewster, who practiced medicine at Amherst from 1843 until 1853. She herself died in the following year. Her sister, Celia Wright, a girl of nineteen, married John C. Strong in 1846, and accompanied him on his mission among the Choctaw Indians (1847-1849). Benjamin E. Thurston (AC 1852) later went West into business. "Our theologian" was James P. Kimball, whom ED finds it difficult to warm toward (see letter no. 30); and the person referred to as "her" was probably his sister Maria. The Jane mentioned in the sentence following the signature was Vinnie's friend Jane Hitchcock.

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Maintained by Lara Vetter <lv26@umail.umd.edu>
Last updated on June 24, 1999