letters from dickinson to frances and louise norcross

Thomas Johnson's Note on Letter 234

MANUSCRIPT: destroyed.

PUBLICATION: L (1894) 236-238; LL 217, 223-224; L (1931) 220- 221.

These seven extracts are placed together in Letters and dated: "Spring, 1861." They cannot be from one letter, for the fourth certainly is addressed to but one recipient. The last extract was written after the death of Elizabeth Barrett Borwning, 29 June 1861. The Norcross sisters did not show ED's letters to Mrs. Todd; they gave her transcripts of such letters or parts of letters as they chose to select. Frances Norcross was not sure whether ED wrote moon or morn in the fourth sentence from the end, and entered both.

Aurora Leigh (1856), a romance in blank verse, ED especially liked and often alludes to in her letters. It is Mrs. Browning's vehilce for expressing her views on a variety of subjects, social, literary, and ethical.

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Commentary copyright 1998 by Martha Nell Smith, all rights reserved
Maintained by Lara Vetter <lv26@umail.umd.edu>
Last updated on December 14, 1998