
Sunday afternoon -
I will write while they've gone to meeting,
lest they stop me, when they get home.
I stayed to Communion this morning, and
by that way, bought the privilege of not
going this afternoon, and having a
talk with you, meanwhile.
It's a glorious afternoon - the sky is blue and warm - the wind blows just enough
to keep the clouds sailing, and the
sunshine, Oh such sunshines, it is'nt
like gold, for gold is dim beside it,
it is'nt like anything which you or I
have seen! It seems to me "Ik Marvel"
was born on such a day; I only only
wish you were here. Such days were
made on purpose for [Susie and] you and
me, then what in the world are you
gone for, Oh dear, I do not know, but
this I do know that if wishing would
bring you home, you were here today.
Is it pleasant in Boston? Of course it is'nt,
tho', I might have known more than to
make such an inquiry. No doubt the
streets are muddy, and the sky some
dingy hue, and I can think just how

every thing bangs and rattles, and goes
rumbling along thro' stones and plank
and clay! I dont feel as if I could
have you there, possibly, another day. I'm
afraid you'll turn into a bank, or a
Pearl Street counting room, if you have not
already, assumed some monstrous shape
living in such a place.
Let me see - April - three weeks until April -
the very first of April, well, perhaps that
will do, only be sure of the week, the whole
week, and nothing but the week; if they
make new arrangements, give my respects
to them, and tell them old arrangements
are good enough for you, and you will
have them, then if they raise the wind, why
let them blow - there's nothing more excellent
than a breeze now and then!
What a time we shall have Fast day,
after we get home from meeting - why
it makes me dance to think of it; and
Austin, if I dance so many days beforehand
what will become of me when the hour
really arrives? I dont know, I'm sure, and
I dont care, much, for that, or for anything
else, but get you home! We will call on

[words expunged] I have been hunting all over the house, since the folks went to meeting, to find a small tin box, to send her flowers in

[half a page cut out]
very often and [line erased]. Abby is getting well,
is coming down stairs this week. Emiline, too
is gaining - we will have them all cured
before you get here. I'm so glad you
are well and happy, it half reconciles
me to having you away - the smallest half!
Kate Hitchcock and Storrs, are coming off
tomorrow evening. Dont know whether they
will have a wedding, or not, presume
the faculty will be present in robes.
I am more and more convinced, that
this is a great country! Emily Fowler was
here yesterday afternoon - inquired for, and sent

out of the house. Dont know where [they]
are going - guess they will have to live
College Tower, for the houses are pretty full

[verso of half-page cut out]
There's a great demand for Houses, and
Father looks very grand, and carries his
hands in his pockets in case he should
meet a Northampton man. The Tyler's are
going to Pawtucket this spring, to live.
Henry has whiskers. Wells Newport has
disappeared, and our horse is now under
the care of Jeremiah Holden, who seems
a faithful hand. There are many things
to say, but meeting is out, and all the
folks are coming.
Much love from Mother and Vinnie - we are now prety well, and our hearts are
set on April, the very first of April! Emilie
[on left margin of first page]
Love to Miss Nichols - E. Norcross, if still there, and all the relatives. Sorry he did'nt see Sue.
[on left margin of second page]
Liked your letter very much, and hope I shall have another one pretty soon.
[on left margin of third page]
Vinnie went to South Hadley with Henry Root, Wednesday to call on Jane.
[on left margin of fourth page]
Father has got well. John Emerson's going [words cut] lecture, Tues.

Mr. Austin Dickinson

A 587; JL 80