
It's quite a comfort, Austin, to hear
that you're alive, after being for sev-
eral days in ignorance of the fact -
and when I tell you honestly that
Vinnie and George Howland would
have gone to Northampton yesterday
to telegraph to you, if we had'nt
heard yesterday noon, you can judge
that we felt some alarm.
We supposed you had either been
killed, in going from Cambridge
to Boston, for the sake of your
watch, or had been very sick
and were at present delirious
and therefore could not write.
Mother and Vinnie, [Sue and] me,

were about as disconsolate last
Saturday night at sundown, as you
would often see. [Sue] spent the
evening here and I went home
with her, each feeling perfectly
sure that you were not in this
world, neither in that to come, and
worrying ourselves to fevers in
wondering where you were, and
why you did'nt write something
to some of us. Oh how you
would have laughed to have seen
us flying around - dodging into
the post office and insisting upon
it we had a letter there, not-
withstanding poor Mr Nims de-
clared there was nothing there -
then chasing one another down
to our office to Bowdoin, and telling
him we knew all about it - he

had got the letter and was hiding
it, and when he took oath he
had not, plunging into the street
again, and then back to the
house to communicate the result
of our forlorn proceedings - and
mother - oh she thought the
bears in the wood had devoured
you, or if you were not eaten up,
you were such a monster of
thoughtlessness and neglect! but
it's all over now, and Thank God
you are safe! We are all
here, dear Austin - still getting cheer-
fully on - still missing you, and
wishing for you, and knowing you
cannot come - Oh for the pleasant
years when we were young
together, and this was home - home!

A 617; JL 144
Poor Susie hears nothing from you -
She knows you have written tho'.
Sue and I walked to Plainville to
meeting Sunday night, and walked
back again - Mr Dwight was there -
I presume it will make you laugh.
Mother could'nt find that Collar
Pattern, but you left a Collar in
the kitchen cupboard, which you
said was just right, and I've
ripped it, and cut a pattern from
that, and the next time you write
if you'll tell me if it's the correct
one, Vinnie'll take it up to Miss Baker.
We hear from Father often - in better
spirits now - When are you coming
home. We do want to see you -
Much love for you. Write
soon - Your aff Sister, Emily.