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  A 635 p1


Excuse me - Dollie -

The Love a Child can
show - below -
Is but a Filament - I
know -
Of that Diviner - Thing -
That faints upon the face
of Noon -
And smites the tinder
in the Sun -
And hinders - Gabriel's - Wing!

'Tis This - in music -
hints - and sways -
And far abroad - on

  A 635 p2


Summer Days -
Distils - uncertain - pain -
'Tis This - afflicts us
in the East -
And tints the Transit -
in the West -
With Harrowing - Iodine!

'Tis This - invites - appalls -
endows -
Flits - glimmers - proves -
dissolves -
Returns - suggests - convicts -
Enchantss -
Then - flings in Paradise!

Emily -

  A 635 p3


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Image reproduced by permission of the Amherst College Archives and Special Collections. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.
Transcription and commentary copyright 2000 by
Martha Nell Smith, all rights reserved.
Designed and maintained by Lara Vetter <>
Last updated on March 10, 2008

Dickinson Electronic Archives