Writings by Susan Dickinson

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he cut an oblique section of it disclosing a rude, but real figure of
an eagle, the state emblem of Austria. Vaux, and Olmstead were frequently
with us, while both were busy developing "Central Park", years ago. We had
most fascinating talk with them, of shrubs and plants, the habits of trees,
and the possibilities of Landscape gardening. We seemed, as it were, to for-
get that these were all impersonal objects, so individual did they become to us
by a study of their specific habits and inclinations. Vaux afterward sent
us his book, which is very interesting, even now, and more advanced of course
than Downings', whom your Father had long studied, although a great contrast
to the richer pages of Richardson. William Potter one of the really famous
Potter family, was much with us, while building the College church, over which
he was especially enthusiastic as it was his first venture unaided by his
brother. He impressed me very strongly, as a high-bred gentleman, of symmetri-
cal culture, he sang with rare effect, and spoke French more exquisitely
than any one I have ever met. Mr. Hathorne, who built the Village church,
did not live to verify the promise of his youth. He really had a hint of
genius, but grew impatient of his fortune, discouraged by slow success, and the
last I knew of him living, he was travelling over Russia, and other foreign
countries to introduce the "Bell buoy" and other inventions, for the safety
of navigation, I never pass those around Mt. Desert, without a sad remem-
brance of his early death, before his unusal and delicate artistic nature, had ma-
tured. Perhaps you have never known that he built Aunt Mattie's beautiful
house in Geneva in which, one sees, as everywhere in his work his taste
and fondness for picturesque roofs.

Lest you forget a little of our pleasant day with Mrs. Burnett in the
May of '80, I will recall it to your minds; Indeed Mattie, was a little girl

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Image reproduced by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University.
Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.
Transcription and commentary copyright 1998 by Martha Nell Smith,
Laura Elyn Lauth, and Lara Vetter, all rights reserved
Maintained by Rebecca Mooney  <rnmooney@umd.edu>
Last updated on January 23, 2008

Dickinson Electronic Archives