Salem Oct 29th/83
My dear Mrs Dickinson
Many thanks for the Amherst paper you so kindly sent. I was much touched
and pleased with the article upon dear little Gilbert. It was a wonerfully
good description of the little fellow's life, effect upon others &c &c. Who
wrote it? His deep affection and sensitiveness so well described. I hope
you are all well. What is the matter with Emily? Vinnie writes that she is
sick but nothing definite. Is she very ill? I hope not. My mother is still
troubled with rheumatism and has to be somewhat of an invalid, otherwise we
are all quite well. What a stormy week, and from appearances it is not over.
the dust we found in Amherst not so very long ago, must be well laid by this
With love to all,
Yourself a large share
from your friend
Abbie C. Farley.
[with envelope addressed] Mrs W. A. Dickinson
Care W A. Dickinson Esq
[postmarked] Salem Mass Oct 30 9 AM