Prof. Fisker? too - clear and pure as the light on Mt. Holyoke - How I admired him that smiling to himself. I dont remember that he even put his arms around me - then going on in reminiscent vein - Prof Worcester too, a really great man mentally -- rather sadly adding "long since gone to his reward"! A faint voice from the audience - Mr Beecher Prof W. is still living! All the fun and ingenuousness in Beecher's nature flashed to the surface as quickly rallying he said well if he is alive and wants to live Im glad of it -- I well remember Beecher's fun was too much for some of our serious folk who associated more praying than laughing with the college of those days - Mrs Sweetser bowing stiffly in going out of the hall to some of us who were chuckling over a little natural fun and [computations in margin]