device compelling less racket in the opening & closing also the hanging some ?s of green baize - to be inside when the house as every-body called it was filling two persons exclaimed against the iconoclasm re- marking in hope for repetition that "We were getting most too refined"! In his own quiet way he influenced the congregation to remain seated during the last hymn instead of rising and facing the choir - in which habit there seemed to be neither worship ethics or esthetics There was certainly little to see in a village choir only men and women of one's daily round in farm or shop - some bald heads and the tip-top of Josiah Ayres old time bass-viol - there was no reason for it, but it was an old custom and such things die hard in any N. E. village - There was a good deal of smiling among the youngsters the first Sunday it was tried and among the older saints too - but Dea Leland and such members as Dea L and Dea M who did not dare be "good & graceful too" preserved their John Calvin sternness -- ? ? ? ? offended? when? an organ supplanted the viol [in parentheses, two substitions: X Effecting a more visible & gentle ? X as the ice cracked under the new force] occurrence of the key was seldom noted suffered by some gentle suggestions as to harmony left the choir H bMS Am 1118.95, Box 9