fan sent from a 1000 miles up the Nile by an old friend -- Tea and coffee with delicious cream very high raised biscuit sliced tongue red and tender escalloped oysters with many kinds of delicious home- made cake was the invariable supper -- Friendly talk was the only entertainment except perhaps just at the end of the evening the open piano suggested a little music was desired, and what decadent sang sweetly but with timidity "Are we almost there, said the dying girl" -- "Coming thru the rye" -- &tc where a resident basso with a tone really below any known real musical necessity us "rocked in the cradle of the deep" -- the refrain held with such sustained power I am sure the glasses in the cupboard tinkled -- By that time music was in the air and with a rousing cheer all stood about the piano and sang America or "Auld acquaintance" we were all in a glow as we went out for our wraps -- I can never forget Mrs Sweetser's last passing gallantry -- standing on the top of the high terrace step holding an oil lantern in the air for our safety the only revealer of the night in all Amherst -- Those lanterns and "lantern-bearers" what chapters could be written of them! Stevenson alone could do them justice -- As a young girl after this experience as I removed my few simple adornings I used to wonder to myself why in the many noon H bMS Am 1118.95, Box 9