The diversions of those days were few and tame -- An occasional lecture -- the Wednesday evening prayer meeting in town & college -- the ladies' sewing-society once a fortnight -- the clergyman and gentleman coming in to tea -- the College and village were one in this -- tea-drinking among neighbors -- with knitting in hand -- occasional lectures -- one in calling any day in the week was in no danger of disturbing a club of any sort -- a fact hardly believable in those days when man woman and child are so listed for clubs of all sorts the command to "Enter into thy closet" seems an old time irony -- In midwinter there was usually a six weeks "protracted meeting held All clergyman in the region preaching and holding prayer-meetings according to the habit of those days resulting in many admissions to the churches -- as the snow lay two or three feet deep on the ground Amherst with no street light -- no trolleys -- no cars seemed to my youthful and perverse mind animal spirits and vigorous habit a staring lonely hopeless plain enough to make angels homesick -- The poet Dana father of Richard H. Dana gave a course of six lectures on Poetry in the old H bMS Am 1118.95, Box 9