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of equally soft color were worn entirely for ordinary visiting -- black silk for larger occasions -- The young ladies in summer wore muslins white or sprigged not too of scarlet ribbon were added, with knots of red barberries fastened on the shoulders and drooping gracefully from the hair -- quite heavy wreaths of green myrtle leaves were bound about the head giving a perhaps too classic touch as of filleted martyr or Parnassian victors. no one smiled over the simplicity or enforced economy of these toilets or coveted richer or more elaborate effects -- The girls were so pretty and handsome they dominated these externals -- I am sure I do not lend them the enchantment of distance -- It comes to me how fully I am confirmed in this memory by four world famous savans from Europe (I think Lyell the geologist was one of them) who were taken by Pres. Hitchcock to the wedding reception of Mrs Davis' (our loved saint in the flesh) These strong-hearted men were enthusiastic over the beautiful party and spoke most warmly of the unusual number of handsome girls and attractive women present -- Pres Stearns coming among us a stranger not an alumnus of the college was never as closely allied as his predecessors with the village people -- his invitations were a little less genial than Pres. H.'s -- although the seminar class and the few families whom they knew to be in various ways connected with the college at the annual senior levee -- Few are still left in these latter days to remember the grace and distinction with which Pres & Mrs Stearns received their guests on these occasions Theirs was the perfection of manner because no manner H bMS Am 1118.95, Box 9
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