A Faithful Account of Where I Live: The Letters of Cid Corman and William Bronk
8 June 70
Dear Cid,
Summer now, praise God! The warmth, the floods of light, the lavish variants of green. I am just in from walking on the towpath and a bathe in the canal.
I don't keep up at all with history (not believing it after all) but I was interested by an article in a recent NY Review of Books ["What is to Be Done About Medieval History?" written by Geoffrey Barraclough in 4 June 1970 New York Review of Books] which discussed several new books on medieval history against theoretical fashions in study as "Quantitative History" and the traditional method of critical exegesis as a result of which latter "practically not one certain fact is left." " The trouble is you are left in the end, either with other myths-the myths historians have substituted for the myths of chroniclers or older historians-or with a vacuum: you are not left with the truth. And the reason you are not left with the truth is that history is not like a statue lying on the ground covered with leaves, and when you have cleared away the leaves, there is the statue, complete and perfect. On the contrary, history--or at least that kind of history-is more like the successive layers of leaves, and when you have cleared them us, you are left with nothing, with the bare ground."
This struck me not as a metaphor for history but a metaphor for experience-for "reality" in my poem
Jim [Weil] is coming Wednesday to spend the day with me unless he has a problem again. Mother says someone called while I was walking. Whoever hasn't called back again.
Well yes, we are both humanists but I expect we include things in our humanity that others might consider sub or super or anyway extra. It aint that easy.
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