Furrow -- Jeanne Heuving
How all is a fertile field ever threatening
Plowed too close like an ominous sky
Disappointment wanting to shut down
Earth ever opened the possibility of
Into the plowed furrowed lined earth
A fertile plow into the staid forestation
Into the silvered peat moss lined with
A jewelry box felted with diamonds
A heavy sky weeps with adulation
A long yellow undulation in the sky
Searing the dogs of Europe, hypocrite,
Lecteur, O keep the dogs far hence,
Traveling the horizon in great strides
Spills down from the sky, fissuring
Silver rivulets of earth-felled dawn
Etched mercury in blasted abutments
Gray mazy cells to pick from other
Culled picked through, picked over
seeds with their little hooded black jackets
carapace of insect left to wither in the wind
to mash with a mallet to get the insides out
harvested when a light brown with turn black
a round hole bored in the seed by a weevil
seeds of the penstemons and the mulleins
are easy to remove by the crushing method
to remove the seeds head the cones must be
split open washed inside minute stuffs
the possibility of light falling onto his face
the possibility of walking into a sunlight alcove
the sunlit alcove fitting rippling like a glove
the glove moving from finger tip to forearm
silky on flesh receptive to being touched
the possibility of violence to this face
love ever gone over into this new death
deadening hollow little black seeds refusing
to uncoat, coated soldiers on black steeds
this morrow ever turning onto itself
What does not go away this
What does not go away this
Mascared eyes, Cleopatra
Charcoaled Marlene Dietrich
Wanting at the grave as it
Descend into pasturelands
Green rolling, swollen
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