As Twilight into Noonday Knowledge Gyres -- Peter O'Leary
Analogies furthest & closest the Seraphim like dark matter, of incalculable unknown density, not giving off any light, but not absorptive either. As far as our equations allow us imagining, we still have no image for the highest order of angels, clothed in fibers superstrung with nanoseconds. Then Cherubim rise up, a black body, reflecting puzzling spectra. A perfect absorber & a perfect emitter of radiation, a cherub appears a fireball, a paradox of growth unchallenged & shapeliness, as if the universe itself were opaque to the light that created it. Thrones are an Ω, sign of circumpiercing holiness, the dividing line between God's eternal expansion & his imminent withdrawal. What a pendulum would look like in four dimensions; what the Hebrew letter heintegral in the name of God, the first simple, a link between the inner & outer worlds, in a word, religionwould sound like uttered into matter. Ω marks the escape velocity of God, the ability to exceed his own system. The first triad. Dominations push back on divine energy. Cosmic repulsion requires a large scale: the massively expanding field of the universe. The law of gravity is repulsive, even as these angels attract all angelic orders into spheres, they overwhelm with a feeling to go faster. It's love. Love & loathing. Next the Virtues emanate vibrating soundwaves endlessly. Frequency modulations yield adherence. Transmission. Prayer is our Strength radio. The Powers are white dwarves whose outer bodies explode as their inner being collapses. Same as snow white new love. The second triad. Principalities make gravity, baryonic gas falling in earlier than stars. Vistas Milton invented in language precede horizons of baryons we glimpse now in the coils of superconductors. In filamentary structures Archangels supercluster into galaxies, a star-nexus of mucus, a milky clumping of salivas, making fuel-nipples light suckles on. Angels finally are fractals, shape-hierarchies, spheres of fire at a distance, tongues of flame at their mouths, out of which the final triad choruses a baritone hosanna echoed with a tenor amen. Θ Θ Θ Dante's stellar pillar, three light-years tall, plumes star-mass, spherey orphans of the inward House of David the Word ensues into. Paradiso XXVIII 91-139 |
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