
On Method -- Mary Margaret Sloan

The principle of least time disputes answers apparently
within reach. Assume the path of a right angle, nothing
in the way. Now listen.
Sound comes from everywhere, here for instance. The other aspects
of nature - birds, flowers, rocks, and trees -
are details in the system, celestial
unfortunates. Also, walls will shed.
With the most ancient device

to rule our sleeping selves where notions are our
guide, lines seeking
to follow their path must make the time
of passage most. Is sorting stars
a solution at odds
with those experienced when we're awake, yet as solitary and as retired
as we are if seen from a hot star? Good, better, best: the degree
of the angle as you slice it depends on the ratio
of space corresponding to the time

it takes for one part of speech, its music
to cross-fade into another.

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