
On Method -- Mary Margaret Sloan

And so: primary colors and all their issue convene, continue, sine die, falling as a

shower on plains within a flyover range, assume such names as they fall, though as many unseen, most unnamed, thus
winding up a line of inquiry. Boundaries created by schisms
in climate and attitude fly in the face of convenience. Air power pushes
divisions around, but even as attention to a long day's
expectations put to rest in an alien bed, just as restful
as unfamiliar, unsaturated with associations, there among the desert's
speechless creatures going through formalities, saying, in effect,

try this, factors of response die down. It's night.
But is it dark? All the same, the dreamy
track of (un)missed coordinates means the losing of or hold
on the mind of blue sands, red sands, glitter
flickers through transparent grains
of colors never mentioned
in a renowned guidebook to the interior:
the lights were out. Issue of writ
of habeus corpus; you should
have the body, why not? A white
pill for day, blue for night; the present
system envisions a response time

not the same as the intended
expression falls apart, declined.

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