MANUSCRIPT: Version I. The fair copy reproduced above (BPL Higg 29) was one of five poems enclosed in a letter (BPL Higg 83) written to T. W. Higginson in January or February T876. It is a redaction of a semifinal draft (Bingham 95-3), identical in text and form except for an alternative suggestion not adopted in the fair copy: 7. the Giving, solely] the Majesty-A third copy of the first stanza only, written about the same time and sent to Sue, is privately owned (Morse). It is identical in text with the other copies; line 2 is without punctuation. 2. From] Of - / in - 3. indeed the offer] the PropositionThere are three minor differences in form: 5. give] give, 7. fits,] fits-PUBLICATION: The copy to Higginson is in New England Quarterly, V (I932), 220. The fair copy of version II is in BM (1945), 261.
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