
On Method -- Mary Margaret Sloan

As day returns, sands twist and drag heavy starlight in.

Observe the sand to the left, to the right. A palace will be appearing up ahead.

There, all the known indices are stored, past, present, future. An index of kinds will be embedded near the end. Do not be afraid of being
unmissed. Losing ground leaves a faultless track. Disputes will be animated,
will have been traversed as soon as a judgement arrives.
The guide, making an impression of warmth, is waving. So read

dear subjects, rule the heart

out of the picture
where each picture is composite, each is the same but the one with the flaw
speculation in the works
makes hard to find. Stay right where you are; illumination
will do the moving. Dark is never dark enough
to hide all. This paper outlines the steps. A comparative study highlights each trip
with graphic equivalents. Put your hand out. Sound rooms are very small,
aren't they?
In its precision, a magnetic dip at plain's horizon will attempt to
favor all running off in unlike directions. If intended,
there will be many choices, all good. Saying we, we're not sure; do we mean to include,
exclude anyone

not us? Throngs will be rounded up to an even number; day leaves by degrees.
A grid nets the plain lights up.

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