Emily Dickinson's Correspondences
Correspondence with Susan Dickinson

H 240a
Bloom upon the  
Mountain - stated - 
Blameless of a Name - 
Efflorescence of  
a Sunset - 
Reproduced - the Same - 

Seed, had I, my  
Purple Sowing 
Should endow the  
Day - 
Not a Tropic of  
a Twilight - 

H 240b

Show itself away - 

Who for tilling -  
to the Mountain 
Come, and dis- 
appear - 
Whose be Her  
Renown, or fading, 
Witness, is not  
here - 

While I state -  

H 240c

the Solemn Petals - 
Far as North - and  
Far as South  
and West - expan- 
ding - 
Culminate - in Rest - 

And the Mountain  
to the Evening 
Fit His Countenance - 
Indicating, by no Muscle - 
The Experience. 


H 240

Close-Up of H 240a | Close-Up of H 240b | Close-Up of H 240c

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Image reproduced by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.
Transcription and commentary copyright 1996 by Martha Nell Smith, all rights reserved
Last updated on November 18, 1998
Maintained by Tanya Clement <tclement@umd.edu>