Emily Dickinson's Correspondences
Correspondence with Susan Dickinson

H 312a
She sweeps with 
many - colored Brooms -
And leaves the 
Shreds behind -
Oh Housewife in 
the Evening West -
Come back - and 
dust the Pond -

You dropped a 
Purple Ravelling in -
You dropped an

H 312b

Amber Thread -
And now you've 
littered all the East
With Duds of 
Emerald .

And still She 
plies Her spotted 
And still the 
scene prevails
Till Dusk ob- 
structs the Diligence -
Or Contemplation fails.


H 312

Close-Up of H 309a | Close-Up of H 309b

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Image reproduced by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.
Transcription and commentary copyright 1996 by Martha Nell Smith, all rights reserved
Last updated on December 4, 1998
Maintained by Tanya Clement <tclement@umd.edu>