Emily Dickinson's Correspondences
Correspondence with Susan Dickinson

H 361a
Title divine, is mine.
The Wife without 
the Sign -
Acute Degree 
Conferred on Me   
Empress of Calvary -
Royal, all but the 
Crown -
Betrothed, without 
the Swoon
God gives us Women `
When You hold 

H 361b

Garnet to Garnet -
Gold - to Gold -
Born  -  Bridalled `
Shrouded `
In  a  Day -
Tri  Victory -
"My Husband" -
Women say
Stroking the Melody`
Is this the Way -
	  Emily -


H 361

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Image reproduced by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.
Transcription and commentary copyright 1996 by Martha Nell Smith, all rights reserved
Last updated on September 11, 1998
Maintained by Tanya Clement <tclement@umd.edu>