Wednesday -
Precious Sue - Precious Mattie!
All I desire in this life - all
I pray for, or hope for in that
long life to come!
Dear Mattie just left me, and
I stand just where we stood
smiling and chatting together
a moment ago. Our last words
were of you, and as we said
Dear Susie, the sunshine grew
so warm, and out peeped
prisoned leaves, and the Robins
answered Susie, and the big
hills left their work, and echo-
ed Susie, and from the smil-

ing fields, and from the fra
rant meadows came troops of
fairy Susies, and asked "Is it
me"? No, Little One, "Eye hath
not seen, nor ear heard, nor
can the heart conceive" my
Susie, whom I love.
These days of heaven bring you
nearer and nearer, and every
bird that sings, and every bud
that blooms, does but remind
me more of that garden
unseen, awaiting the hand
that tills it. Dear Susie, when
you come, how many boundless

blossoms among those silent beds!
How I do count the days - how
I do long for the time when I
may count the hours without
incurring the charge of Femina
insania! I made up the Latin -
Susie, for I could'nt think how
it went, according to Stoddard
and Andrew!
I want to send you joy, I have
half a mind to put up one
of these dear little Robin's, and
send him singing to you.
I know I would, Susie, did I think
he would live to get there

and sing his little songs.
I shall keep everything singing
tho', until Dear Child gets home -
and I shant let anything
blossom till then - either.
I have got to go out in the
garden now, and whip a Crown-
Imperial for presuming to hold
it's head up, until you have
come home, so farewell, Susie -
I shall think of you at sun-
set, and at sunrise, again;
and at noon, and forenoon,
and afternoon, and always, and
evermore, till this little heart
stops beating and is still. Emilie