Emily Dickinson's Correspondences
Correspondence with Susan Dickinson

H B72a
Memoirs  of  Little 
Boys  that  live -
"Were'nt  you  chasing 
Pussy,"  said  Vinnie 
to  Gilbert?
"No - she  was  chasing 
herself" -
"But  was'nt  she 
running   pretty  
fast"?  "Well,  some 
slow  and  some 
fast"  said  the 
beguiling  Villain -
Pussy's   Nemesis 
quailed -
Talk  of  "hoary 

H B72b

Your  Urchin  is 
more  antique  in 
wiles  than  the 
Egyptian  Sphinx -
Have  you  noticed 
Granville's  Letter 
to  Lowell?
"Her  Majesty"  has 
contemplated  you, 
and  reserves 
her  decision!


H B72

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Image reproduced by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.
Transcription and commentary copyright 1996 by Martha Nell Smith, all rights reserved
Last updated on July 14, 1998
Maintained by Tanya Clement <tclement@umd.edu>