Friday morning -
They are cleaning house today, Susie, and I've made a flying retreat to my own little
chamber, where with affection, and you, I will spend this my precious hour, most precious of all
the hours which dot my flying days, and the one so dear, that for it I barter everything, and as
soon as it is gone, I am sighing for it again.
I cannot believe, dear Susie, that I have stayed without you almost a whole year long;
sometimes the time seems short, and the thought of you as warm as if you had gone but
yesterday, and again if years and years had trod their silent pathway, the time would seem less
And now how soon I shall have you, shall hold you in my arms; you will forgive the tears,
Susie, they are so glad to come that it is not in my heart to reprove them and send them home. I
dont know why it is - but there's something in your name, now you are taken from me, which fills
my heart so full, and my eye, too. It is not that the mention grieves me, no, Susie, but I think of
each "sunnyside" where we have sat together, and lest there be no more, I guess is what makes the
[Marginalia on first page<:]
Austin has come and gone; life is so still again; why must the storm have calms?
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tears come. Mattie was here last evening, and we sat on the front door stone, and talked
about life and love, and whispered our childish fancies about such blissful things - the evening was
gone so soon, and I walked home with Mattie beneath the silent moon, and wished for you, and
Heaven. You did not come, Darling, but a bit of Heaven did, or so it seemed to us, as we walked
side by side and wondered of that great blessedness which may be our's sometime, is granted now,
to some. This union, my dear Susie, by which two lives are one, this sweet and strange adoption
wherein we can but look, and are not yet admitted, how it can fill the heart, and make it gang
wildly beating, how it will take us one day, and make us all it's own, and we shall not run away
from it, but lie still and be happy!
You and I have been strangely silent upon this subject, Susie, we have often touched upon
it, and as quickly fled away, as children shut their eyes when the sun is too bright for them. I have
always hoped to know if you had no dear fancy, illumining all your life, no one of whom you
murmured in the faithful ear of night - and
[Marginalia on second page<:]
I hav'nt seen Root this term, I guess Mattie and I, are not sufficient for him!
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at whose side in fancy, you walked the livelong day;
and when you come home, Susie, we must speak of these things.
How dull our lives must seem to the bride, and the plighted maiden, whose days are fed
with gold, and who gathers pearls every evening; but to the wife, Susie, sometimes the wife
forgotten, our lives perhaps seem dearer than all others in the world; you have seen flowers at
morning, satisfied with the dew, and those same sweet flowers at noon with their heads bowed in
anguish before the mighty sun; think you these thirsty blossoms will now need naught but - dew?
No, they will cry for sunlight, and pine for the burning noon, tho' it scorches them, scathes them;
they have got through with peace - they know that the man of noon, is mightier than the morning
and their life is henceforth to him. Oh, Susie, it is dangerous, and it is all too dear, these simple
trusting spirits, and the spirits mightier, which we cannot resist! It does so rend me, Susie, the
thought of it when it comes, that I tremble lest at sometime I, too, am yielded up.
Susie, you will forgive me my amatory strain -it has been a very long one, and if this saucy
page did not here bind
[Marginalia on third page:]
When will you come again, in a week? Let it be a swift week!
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and fetter me, I might have had no end.
I have got the letter, Susie, dear little bud - and all - and the tears came again, that alone in
this big world, I am not quite alone. Such tears are showers friend, thro' which when smiles
appear, the angels call them rainbows, and mimic them in Heaven.
And now in four weeks more - you are mine, all mine, except I lend you a little
occasionally to Hattie and Mattie, if they promise not to lose you, and to bring you back very
soon. I shall not count the days. I shall not fill my cups with this expected happiness, for perhaps
if I do, the angels, being thirsty, will drink them up - I shall only hope, my Susie, and that
tremblingly, for hav'nt barques the fullest, stranded upon the shore?
God is good, Susie, I trust he will save you, I pray that in his good time we once more
meet each other, but if this life holds not another meeting for us, remember also, Susie, that it has
no parting more, wherever that hour finds us, for which we have hoped so long, we shall not be
separated, neither death, nor the grave can part us, so that we only love! Your Emilie -
[Marginalia on fourth page:]
Vinnie sends much love, and Mother; and might I be so bold as to enclose a remembrance?