To Mrs. J.G. Holland
It is very dear you are better - You have had much struggle - That is the deepest illness - The Birds are very bold this morning, and sing without a Crumb. "Meat that we know not of," perhaps, slily handed them - I used to spell the one by that name "Fee Bee" when a Child, and have seen no need to improve! Should I spell all the things as they sounded to me, and say all the facts as I saw them, it would sent consternation among more than the "Fee Bees"! Vinnie picked the Sub rosas, and handed them to me, in your wily Note. Kisses for "Brooks of Sheffield" - Am glad Annie is well, and that Kate is sacred - tell her with my love, "I give my Angels charge." For the sweet Flounder of the Fold, the bereft Madonna, more love than "we can ask or think" - Emily.
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