Sunday morning -
Thank the dear little snow flakes, because they fall today rather than some vain weekday, when
the world and the cares of the world would try so hard to keep me from my departed friend - and
thank you, too, dear Susie, that you never weary of me, or never tell me so, and that when the
world is cold, and the storm sighs e'er so piteously, I am sure of one sweet shelter, one covert
from the storm! The bells are ringing, Susie, north, and east, and south, and your own village
bell, and the people who love God, are expecting to go to meeting; dont you go Susie, not to their
meeting, but come with me this morning to the church within our hearts, where the bells are
always ringing, and the preacher whose name is Love - shall intercede there for us!
They will all go but me, to the usual meetinghouse, to hear the usual sermon; the inclemency
of the storm so kindly detaining me; and as I sit here Susie, alone with the winds and you - I have
the old king feeling even more than before, for I know not even the cracker man will invade this
solitude, this sweet Sabbath of our's. And thank you for my dear letter, which came on Saturday
night, when all the world was still; thank you for the love it bore me, and for it's golden thoughts,
and feelings so like gems, that I was sure I gathered them in whole baskets of pearls! I mourn this
morning, Susie, that I have no sweet sunset to gild a page for you, nor any bay so blue - not even
a little chamber way up in the sky, as your's is, to give me thoughts of heaven, which I would give
to you. You know how I must write you, down, down, in the terrestrial[;] no
[Written upside down on first page:]
Susie, what shall I do - there is'nt room enough; not half enough, to hold what I was going to
say. Wont you tell the man who makes sheets of paper, that I hav'nt the slightest respect for him!
[Marginalia of first page:]
And when shall I have a letter - when it's convenient, Susie, not when tired and faint - ever!

sunset here, no stars; not even a bit of twilight which I may poetize - and send you! Yet Susie, there will be
romance in the letter's ride to you - think of the hills and the dales, and the rivers it will pass over,
and the drivers and conductors who will hurry it on to you; and wont that make a poem such as
can ne'er be written? I think of you dear Susie, now, I dont know how or why, but more dearly as
every day goes by, and that sweet month of promise draws nearer and nearer; and I view July so
differently from what I used to - once it seemed parched, and dry - and I hardly loved it any on
account of it's heat and dust; but now Susie, month of all the year the best; I skip the violets - and
the dew, and the early Rose and the Robins; I will exchange them all for that angry and hot
noonday, when I can count the hours and the minutes before you come - Oh Susie, I often think
that I will try to tell you how very dear you are, and how I'm watching for you, but the words
wont come, tho' the tears will, and I sit down disappointed - yet darling, you know it all - then
why do I seek to tell you? I do not know; in thinking of those I love, my reason is all gone from
me, and I do fear sometimes that I must make a hospital for the hopelessly insane, and chain me
up there such times, so I wont injure you.
Always when the sun shines, and always when it storms, and always always, Susie, we are
remembering you, and what else besides remembering; I shall not tell you, because you know!
Were it not for dear Mattie, I dont know what we would do, but she loves you so dearly,
and is never tired of talking about you, and we all get together and talk it oer and oer - and it
makes us more resigned, than to mourn for you alone.
[Marginalia of second page:]
Emeline gets well so slowly; poor Henry; I guess he thinks true love's course does'nt run very
smooth -

It was only yesterday, that I went to see
dear Mattie, intending in my heart to stay a little while, only a very little one, because of a good
many errands which I was going to do, and will you believe it, Susie, I was there an hour - and an
hour, and half an hour besides, and would'nt have supposed it had been minutes so many - and
what do you guess we talked about, all those hours long - what would you give to know - give
me one little glimpse of your sweet face, dear Susie, and I will tell you all - we didn't talk of
statesmen, and we didn't talk of kings - but the time was filled full, and when the latch was lifted
and the oaken door was closed, why, Susie, I realized as never I did before, how much a single
cottage held that was dear to me. It is sweet - and like home, at Mattie's, but it's sad too - and up
comes little memory and paints - and paints - and paints - and the strangest thing of all, her
canvass is never full, and I find her where I left her, every time that I come - and who is she
painting - Ah, Susie, "dinna choose to tell" - but it is'nt Mr Cutler, and it is'nt Daniel Boon, and I
shant tell you any more - Susie, what will you say if I tell you that Henry Root is coming to see
me, some evening of this week, and I have promised to read him some parts of all your letters;
now you wont care, dear Susie, for he wants so much to hear, and I shant read him anything
which I know you would not be willing - just some little places, which will please him so - I have
seen him several times lately, and I admire him, Susie, because he talks of you so frequently and
beautifully; and I know he is so true to you, when you are far away - We talk more of you, dear
Susie, than of any other thing - he tells me how wonderful
[Marginalia of third page:]
Much love from Mother and Vinnie, and then there are some others who do not dare to send -

you are, and I tell him how true you are, and his big eyes beam, and he seems so delighted - I know you would'nt care, Susie, if you knew how much joy it made - As I told him the other evening of all your letters to me, he looked
up very longingly, and I knew what he would say, were he enough acquainted - so I answered the
question his heart wanted to ask, and when some pleasant evening, before this week is gone, you
remember home and Amherst, then know, Loved One - that they are remembering you, and that
"two or three" are gathered in your name, loving, and speaking of you - and will you be there in
the midst of them? Then I've found a beautiful, new, friend, and I've told him about dear Susie,
and promised to let him know you so soon as you shall come. Dear Susie, in all your letters there
are things sweet and many about which I would speak, but the time says no - yet dont think I
forget them - Oh no - they are safe in the little chest which tells no secrets - nor the moth, nor the
rust can reach them - but when the time we dream of - comes, then Susie, I shall bring them, and
we will spend hours chatting and chatting of them - those precious thoughts of friends - how I
loved them, and how I love them now -nothing but Susie herself is half so dear. Susie, I have not
asked you if you were cheerful and well - and I cant think why, except that there's something
perrennial in those we dearly love, immortal life and vigor; why it seems as if any sickness, or
harm, would flee away, would not dare do them wrong, and Susie, while you are taken from me, I
class you with the angels, and you know the Bible tells us - "there is no sickness there." But, dear
Susie, are you well, and peaceful, for I wont make you cry by saying are you happy? Dont see the blot, Susie. It's because I broke the Sabbath!
[Written around edges of fourth page, as if framing the letter:]
Who loves you most, and loves you best, and thinks of you when others rest?
T'is Emilie -