H L9
JL 77
about February 1852
blue paper
watermark/embossment: JFJ, J Prout / Stationer / Worcester, embossed
24.8 x 19.9 cm.
multiply folded
FF 177-181, in part. "Chuck" (?) is in margins, and there is a blot of ink
where she writes "Dont see the blot." Johnson omits "would" in the first sentences: ". . .when the
world and the cares of the world would. . ." and, though she has written "didn't," he records
"did'nt." As he does with all these early letters, he conflates marginalia into a paragraph that he
places after the signature. He also notes that the beautiful new friend was probably Henry
Vaughan Emmons, with whom she had taken a ride (see L 72), and observes that "Henry Nash
and Emeline Kellogg were married three years later" (see L 53).
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Image reproduced by permission of the Houghton Library, Harvard University. Not to be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.
Transcription and commentary copyright 1996 by Martha Nell Smith, all rights reserved
Last updated on June 4, 2001
Maintained by Lara Vetter <lv26@umail.umd.edu>